FME summary.json Structure

The summary.json provided in the FME Workspace OUTPUT_FOLDER (see FME Workspaces compatible with 1Exchange) has the following structure, and depending on the outcome of the process will contain a some or all of the below properties:

Property Description Type Required Notes
success A true or false report on the success of the Output boolean Mandatory A false report is a prerequisite of the errors and details elements.
errors If errors are present they will be summarised here. array of string Mandatory if success = false N/a
details Any JSON object that provides supplementary detail to errors . object Mandatory if success = false Will be visible in the BPEL audit trail. For further information, please see Oracle Documentation.
resourcesRoot An FME Server resource location that is optionally provided which 1Exchange will delete upon completion of the job. string Optional This must be a directory immediately inside FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA (The root Data folder in the UI).