1Exchange Overview
1Exchange is used to support data extraction and submission within the 1Spatial Management Suite (1SMS).
Your data can be extracted and then, after editing, received back by 1SMS. This provides data editors with access to all necessary feature data, metadata and supporting resources (imagery, DTM) for a job.
- 1Transact to isolate extraction and submission from other users
- 1Workflow to support the automation of data extraction and submission to supply your editors with the required data and push change only updates back into your database
- Extract feature data from an Oracle database
- Extract ancillary feature data such as change intelligence or planning data
- Provide other supporting data such as imagery
- Specify complex extraction rules (spatial and identifier based) via configuration interface
- Automate the packaging of all required job data and metadata required for editing
- Accept change only files in order to update feature databases efficiently and enable change only data product supply
- Extract feature data conflicts identified by 1Transact from an Oracle database, so that they can be resolved by an editor and submitted back as a change only
- Scalable, enterprise grade performance
- Specify how to convert database data into files using Snowflake Software products (for GML) and/or Safe Software FME Server (for any other type or format).
- Improve responsiveness to your customers and reduce the cost of capturing valuable change intelligence through the automatic submission of changes by users
- Allows your editors to be more informed and effective by providing all relevant data for a job
- Gain and retain customers by reducing data errors and improving your publication frequency
- Maximise your investment in existing data sources through re-use
- Allow incremental updates to data products, giving you a ‘product-ready’ supply database