1Workflow Administration

1Workflow administration provides:

  • Customisable workflows and customisations that are applicable across all job types.
  • A notification mechanism to email users at specific points in the lifetime of the workflow.
  • Control who gets assigned conflict correction and validation correction jobs.


There are two types of settings for 1Workflow:

  • Global settings that are applied to all jobs . For more information about Global settings please refer to Global Settings
  • Job type specific settings. For more information please refer to Settings Per Job Type


The 1Workflow administration web interface is available at: http://[server]:7122/1sms/admin/

The SOAP web service is located at: http://[server]:7122/wf/WorkflowConfigSoapService?WSDL

The REST web service is located at: http://[server]:[port]/wf/rest/