Exchange Policies

An Exchange Policy specifies settings regarding the data that is extracted from and imported to the feature database schema. This could potentially be different for different job types, so multiple policies can be configured. And Exchange Policy is created in the 1Exchange Admin UI.

URL Locations

The 1Exchange administration page is available at: http:\\[host]:[port]/1exchange/admin/

The SOAP web service is located at: http://[host]:[port]/1exchange/soap/ExchangeService?WSDL

The REST web service is located at: http://[host]:[port]/1exchange/rest

FME Server

If using FME Server to convert data from the Oracle Database into any format and back again, each Exchange Policy will need to specify the FME Server instance and workspaces.

Using the 1Exchange admin UI you can input the parameters of your FME Server and Workspace An example set up is shown below:

Example parameters for an FME Exchange Policy, where: FME Server URL is  "https://<machine>:<port>", FME Server Username is "admin", FME Server Password is hiddend, FME Server Extraction Workspace is "repo/shape_extraction.fmw and FME Server Submission Workspace is "repo/tab_submission.fmw".

GO Loader and GO Publisher

Each Exchange Policy references a GO Publisher and a GO Loader configuration that defines how the data is converted from the database into GML and back again.

     Note: In this instance, a Product refers to a configuration file that defines the way that data is published and imported using GO Loader and GO Publisher.

An example of the implementation of multiple policies using GO Loader and GO Publisher would be where the Exchange Policy defines an optional buffer surrounding the job extents to bound the features extracted. This may be significantly different for different job types. Similarly, there could be multiple products exporting different feature classes and the Exchange policy sets up the mapping between job type and the features products used.