1SMS Glossary

The glossary below features terms used in 1SMS and 1SMS documentation:

  • The 1SMS Installer is the interface in which the various components of 1SMS are installed.
  • C
  • Child jobs are a duplicate of an existing job that is automatically created when an action or fix is required on the original job.
  • A server cluster consists of multiple 1SMS instances running simultaneously and working together to provide increased scalability and reliability. A cluster will appear to clients as a single server instance because it is accessed via a load balancer. The server instances that constitute a cluster can run on the same machine, or be located on different machines but share the same data and configuration. Clusters can be active-passive, where an instance is only used when the other stops working, or active-active where both can work simultaneously and take over if the other stops working.
  • E
  • Embargo is a job status that allows for the checking of data by an assigned reviewer to check that the data is suitable to be made available for download.
  • An exchange policy specifies settings regarding the data that is extracted from, and imported to, the feature database schema. Each Exchange policy references a GO Publisher and a GO Loader configuration that defines how the data is converted from the database into GML and back again.
  • An extent is a defined area in which data is loaded or worked on.
  • F
  • The feature schema stores data that is accessed when digitising features.
  • FME Server is a product from Safe Software.
  • G
  • A gazetteer is a geographical index or dictionary that is used in mapping.
  • Global Settings refer to settings within 1Workflow that are relevant across all job types.
  • The Geography Markup Language (GML) is an open XML-based standard, defined by The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). GML is a modelling language used to express geographic features. It can integrate all forms of geographic information.
  • GO Loader is a tool produced by Snowflake Software that is embedded within 1Exchange. It is used to load GML data into the feature database.
  • GO Publisher is a tool produced by Snowflake Software that is embedded within 1Exchange. It is used to generate GML data from the feature database.
  • J
  • A Job is created in 1Plan and is a defined extent of work assigned to Users in 1SMS.
  • Within the Worklist, Job Tiles display visual and textual information summarising the state of current jobs applicable to the user. This includes the Job Name, Job ID, Planned End Date, Job Type and Failure Type.
  • L
  • The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an industry standard application protocol used to manage directory information over an IP network. LDAP is commonly used to store usernames and passwords and its use is recommended in 1SMS.
  • The Lifecycle refers to complete process, from allocation to completion, of a Job through the components of 1SMS.
  • Load balancing is the distribution of a computing workload across multiple resources to improve performance.
  • O
  • An Oracle database product used to manage versions of data as long transactions within databases (see Workspaces). This allows jobs to safely update, store, merge or roll back their changes without leaving the feature data in an inconsistent state.
  • P
  • Packages are a job resource that contain all of the data for editing. Each job will have its own associated package.
  • A Parent Job is the main version of a job from which Child Jobs can be created if required.
  • R
  • Roles are created to grant Users access to differing levels of functionality for each component product of 1SMS.
  • S
  • Schema refers to the structure and naming conventions within a database.
  • This is the Second Test Term.
  • Snowflake Software are the developers of GO Loader and GO Publisher.
  • SOA (Service-oriented Architecture) is a software design style where a collection of services communicate with each other over a network.
  • Job Statuses can be assigned to Jobs to describe their current condition e.g. "Allocated", "Conflicted" or "Downloaded".
  • T
  • This is an example.
  • Job Types are used to configure different data extraction rules or validation rules.
  • U
  • Users are assigned Roles and Jobs
  • W
  • When not referring to 1Workflow, a Workflow is a repeatable pattern of activity designed to improve the processing of data.
  • The Worklist is the personalised interface each User will see within 1Workflow. This is where their allocated jobs and job statuses are displayed in Job Tiles described elsewhere in the glossary.
  • A workspace is a virtual environment that one or more users can share to make changes to the data in the database. A workspace logically groups collections of new row versions from one or more version-enabled tables, and isolates these versions until they are explicitly merged with production data or discarded, thus providing maximum concurrency. 1SMS uses workspaces to load in the changes for a job and when validated will merge the changes into the live version of the data, Workspaces are used to check for conflicts to prevent one job from overwriting another job's changes.