Account Management

You can manage your user profile and account security by selecting the Manage Acount tab from the bottom of the 1Streetworks side menu.

Manage your user profile

Your user profile is where you update your personal details. This allows you to change your name and view the associated email address.

Your email address cannot be changed by you, unless you have administrative privileges.

Personal Details tab

You can also manage your Avatar, which appears in the top right of 1Streetworks. By default, the Avatar will be your initials (first name and last name) from the Name field in your Personal Details, with a random background colour. You can choose an alternative image by uploading an image file into the upload box.

Account Avatar tab

Manage your account security

You can manage your password in the Security tab.

You require your current password in order to update it to a new password. For resetting your password please contact a administrator.

Account Password tab