Welcome to 1Streetworks. This user guide is written for new users and is presented in a logical progression through the workflow for finding and displaying existing traffic management plans, and then creating new plans, editing plans, and generating PDF documents for traffic management plans.
What is 1Streetworks?
1Streetworks is an online software service for automatically generating traffic management plans that are compliant with Safety at Street Works and Road Works - A Code of Practice (October 2013), often referred to as “the Red Book”.
The Red Book (and The Traffic Signs Manual, Chapter 8) is a rule book that describes how to lay out signing, lighting, and guarding equipment for street works and road works that are compliant with the rules it describes. 1Streetworks uses a rules engine, which contains a digitalised version of the Red Book rules and logic. It submits some basic information for a plan and the geographical data at that location, accessed live as a service from Ordnance Survey (for example, OS MasterMap® Topography and OS MasterMap® Highways Network, including speed limits) and from GeoPlace, to the rules to evaluate what traffic management plan layout is compliant with the Red Book at that location.
Note: All map data is © Crown copyright and database rights 2025 and reproduced under 1Spatial's OS licence 100041549 and should not be copied or distributed.