
Selecting the View Plans tab opens the Plans workspace, showing the map and the Plan Browser, which is open by default. The Plan Browser can show all Plans that 1Streetworks users in your organisation have produced to date or are in the process of producing. The Plan Browser shows up to ten plans per page (1-X of Y), additional pages can be stepped through with the arrows in the bottom right of the Plan Browser. Each visible plan is denoted by a Road Works Ahead sign on the map.

The main Plans workspace.

     Note: The browser only shows plans on the list if they are within the area of the Map that is currently visible or if the filter allows plans that aren't onscreen.

Plan Browser panel

Each plan in the list contains a summary, which is structured in the order shown in the next section.

Hovering your mouse cursor over a plan will display the summary at its location on the map. This can only be seen if the location is visible on the map.

If you move your cursor over a plan summary and select it, the map will be zoomed to the geographical extents of that traffic management plan and the plan will open and be displayed on the map. You can return to the list by selecting the View Plans button or clicking Leave Plan.

Plan summaries

Each plan summary shows the following details. Hovering over each detail will display the detail field name.

Detail Field Name


Plan name

The name given to the plan.

The SWA Organisation undertaking the works

The assigned SWA Organisation.

The location of the plan

The descriptive location that has been written by a user.

The plan reference

This is a reference identifier for the plan. This will vary by organisation using 1Streetworks but is typically a contract reference or a drawing number.

The planned start and end of the works

The start and end dates and times for the works. These are usually a key input to the permit that will need to be applied for from the local highways authority.

Username – date, time

Added automatically by 1Streetworks, this is the username of the user that created the plan and the date and time that it was created at.

Filtering the plans in the Plans list

You can use the search bar and/or filter the plans listed in the Plans Browser list by using Filters.

Using the Filter search bar, you can filter the list based on the typed text.

Or you can click the Filter button at the top-right of the plans list to open the Filters dialog for more options.

Plan Browser panel filters

You can filter using multiple fields and toggle whether the rest should be restricted to the currently viewed map area, which includes the area behind the panel when it is expanded.

     Note: Filters persist between sessions and need to be cleared manually.