API Docs

1Data Gateway uses RESTful APIs which are publicly accessible and secured using tokens.

Administrators can gain access to the Swagger docs via the Help and Support button in 1Data Gateway.

Only Users with ReceiverClosed A receiver will be able to view, download and configure projects and specifications. permissions are able to access the APIs.

All authenticated API endpoints require the client to provide an API token via HTTP Bearer authentication.

Note: Unless noted, the API request and response bodies are in JSON format.

ClosedAPI Tokens

API Tokens are required on a per User basis and are necessary for authentication of the API endpoints.

The API token must first be created individually for each User from the Users.

Note: The token becomes invalid if it passes the expiry date or the User's account becomes disabled.

Note: For security purposes we recommend that tokens are carefully managed and only supplied to trusted individuals.

From the API Tokens tab of a Users page click the Add icon to create a new API token.

API Tokens tab with an example token listed.

Fill in the name, description, and expiry date, and then click the Add API Token icon.

Add API Token popout requiring a name, description, and an expiration.

Copy the API token with the Copy button and click The Continue Button when you've stored the token somewhere safe.

An example generated API token, which warns to write it down as it cannot be viewed again.

From the API Tokens tab:

Click the Edit button to edit and update the API settings.

API Token Settings popout allowing the token details to be edited.

Click the Remove button, then confirm with the Remove button to remove an API token.

Remove API Token popout, asking for removal confirmation.


The 1Data Gateway API can be leveraged to perform analytics in external applications.

The following API calls can be used for Specification reports on:

  • Rule conformance over time.

  • /api/v1/reports/specification/{specificationKey}/rule_conformance

  • Submissions over time.

  • /api/v1/reports/specification/{specificationKey}/submissions

  • Task performance over time.

  • /api/v1/reports/specification/{specificationKey}/task_conformance

    Replace the {specificationKey} with the Specification Key found in the Specifications.


When using the API to submit to 1Data Gateway, it is important that you follow the correct order for the calls:

  1. POST to the following endpoint to create a new, empty, submission:

  2. /api/v1/assignments/{assignmentKey}/submission

    The {assignmentKey} is present in the URL when viewing an assignment in the 1Data Gateway UI, e.g. {EXAMPLE-ASSN-1} in the following URL:


    Note: The {assignmentkey} will always contain ASSN.

    The JSON response will contain the {submissionreference}, which will be used in subsequent calls.

  3. Next, POST the contents of the input files to:


    Here, you must pass the input path as a query parameter named dataStorePath.

    The path for each input can be found by selecting the Copy to Clipboard button in the specification configuration page.

    The specification configuration page with the copy to clipboard icon highlighted
  4. Once submission data has been uploaded, start the submission process by POSTing to:


  5. Wait for the submission process to complete. To see status of the submission, poll the status endpoint at:


    If the JSON returned has status equal to FINISHED the submission is completed.

  6. Use the JSON response from step four to obtain the {storedFilename} of any output files, and download them using the following endpoint:


Note: If an error occurs while processing the Submission, it will still end in the FINISHED state, but the errorMessage will be non-null. Check the Submission My Assignments and My Assignments tables for further information.