Service Configuration

The Service Configuration page can be reached by an Administrator via the Service Configuration section in the System tab.

If you are a Site AdministratorClosed The site administrator role has access to all administrative capabilities. you can configure 1Data Gateway's connection to 1Integrate.

Service Config tab with the fields filled.



Base URI

The base path for your 1Integrate installation, usually a URL location.

Authentication Mode - Username and Password


The Username for the 1Integrate server you are using.


The Password for the 1Integrate server you are using.

Authentication Mode - API Key


The API Authentication Key for the 1Integrate server you are using.

Input the connection details and use Test Connection button to ensure the connection is valid, and then save with Save Settings button. Testing the connection will check the compatibility of the 1Integrate version. A green banner shows support for the 1Integrate version, amber shows if the version is untested, while red shows for versions that are not compatible with the 1Data Gateway version being used.

1Integrate test connection success banner with compatability details.

Clear Capabilities

The 1Integrate connection can be refreshed by clearing the Capabilities Cache.

Doing this will mean that any changes made in 1Integrate since the connection was first established will be picked up upon reconnection.

Clear Capabilities Cache button and warning text.

For information on 1Integrate, please refer to the 1Integrate documentation.