WMTS (Web Map Tile Services) Layers
You can display OGC Web Map Tile Services (WMTS) data as a backdrop to vector data by adding WMTS layers to the style.
WMTS using either KVP or REST request encodings are supported. The default style for a layer will be automatically picked and the coordinate reference system of the tiles must be the same as the vector data being displayed.
Note: Only one WMTS layer can be enabled at once. You can have many WMTS layers in the style to allow you to easily switch between them, but when you enable a WMTS layer, any other WMTS layers in the style will be disabled.
Click WMTS Layer to add a WMTS layer, then specify the URL of the WMTS layer to add.
Press Refresh to read the capabilities document and populate the list of layers and the list of Tile Matrices. When populated, you can select which layer to display and which Tile Matrix to use.
Note: Only the default style for each layer is used; dimensions or GetFeatureInfo requests are not supported.
Specify the URL to the service as follows: