
The schema, style, and topology can be saved as a template, then used to create a new project.

Multiple templates available for a new project

Note: Any data in the project is also saved to the template, so ensure that you create templates from projects that contain no features.

A template must be in place when opening jobs in the Worklist to ensure they are all using the same settings (see The 1SMS Worklist).

ClosedSave the current project as a template

  1. From the Projects page, right-click on a project to select it and display the lower app bar.

  2. Click Save as Template.

  3. Enter a name for the template and browse to the folder in which you want to save it.

  4. Click Save.

ClosedImport a template

  1. From the Projects page, right-click (swipe up on touchscreen), or select the in the bottom right to display the lower app bar.

  2. Click Import Template.

    Note: You can have multiple templates, but they must be imported individually. If you import a template with the name as an existing template, you will be prompted to rename.

  3. Navigate to a template file and click Open.

    The template is now installed as the current 1Edit template. Any GML that is opened using a template and all jobs that are downloaded using the worklist will now use this template.

ClosedDelete a template

Note: This will leave 1Edit with no current template; you will not be able to use the Worklist until you import another template.

  1. From the Projects page, right-click (or swipe up) to display the lower app bar.

  2. Click Delete Template.

  3. Click Delete to confirm.