Configuring ArcGIS Server

In order to enable 1Integrate for ArcGIS to be used for your data services, it must first be configured through the ArcGIS Server Manager.

The server extension must first be added, and then each data service must be configured to use the extension.

Adding the 1Integrate for ArcGIS Server Extension

The 1Integrate for ArcGIS Server Extension must be added to ArcGIS server before any data services can use it.

ClosedAdd the Server Extension

  1. Log in to your ArcGIS Server Manager.

  2. Within ArcGIS Server Manager, navigate to Site > Extensions.

    Extensions page

  3. Click Add Extension.

    Add Extension

  4. Click Browse to locate and open the 1Integrate for ArcGIS SOE package provided in your release package (1IFA_Server-[version].soe).

    Example Release Package

  5. Click Add.

    A confirmation message will display, and 1Integrate for ArcGIS is now listed as an extension.

    1Integrate for ArcGIS Extension added

Configuring a Data Service

In order for data services to be able to use the 1Integrate for ArcGIS Extension (via an Add-in or widget), they must first be configured.

Additionally, each data service must be configured to be associated with a ruleset, to determine the rules that will be available.

Note: A data service can only be associated with one ruleset, but a ruleset can be associated with many data services.

ClosedConfigure a Data Service

  1. Within your ArcGIS Server Manager, navigate to Services.

    Services tab

  2. Select the data package you wish to configure using the left hand menu.

    Open it for editing by clicking the pen icon next to the title in your data package.

    Example data package

  3. Navigate to Capabilities.

  4. Under "Select and configure capabilities", check the box next to 1Integrate for ArcGIS to enable it.

    1Integrate for ArcGIS capability enabled

  5. Upon selecting the box next to 1Integrate for ArcGIS, the following configuration properties will be displayed:

    • Queue Host URL - Location and port of the Active MQ service.
    • Queue Name - Name of the Active MQ queue that was specified during the Rules Engine Client installation (the default name is recommended) .
    • URL - URL for the metadata service (including the port as defined during installation).

    • Mode - Select "Single User".

    • Username - Enter "admin".

    • Password - The password for the admin user (as defined during installation).

    • Rule Set ID - The name of the Rule Set to be used with this Map Service.

    1Integrate for ArcGIS Configuration Properties

  6. Ensure that the box next to Feature Access is checked.

    Feature Access capability enabled

  7. Click Save.

Federated ArcGIS Server sites with Portal for ArcGIS

Federating an ArcGIS Server site with your portal is an advanced configuration for integrating the security and sharing models of your portal with one or more ArcGIS Server sites. If your site has a federated server with portal, then please set up the security of the map services to be used by 1Integrate for ArcGIS so that users authorised by portal can access them.

Note: Currently if using the 1Integrate for ArcGIS add-ins in ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap to access map services in a federated ArcGIS Server, it is necessary to make the map service available to "Everyone". This is a known limitation and will be fixed in a future release.

The 1Integrate for ArcGIS web widget (for web apps) and 1Integrate for ArcGIS Mobile users (Collector) are unaffected by this, and map services used by these applications can be made available to Portal for ArcGIS users and groups within the federated ArcGIS Server.

Certification Authentication

On Federated and Secured networks, certificate authentication issues can result in the following error when trying to fetch rules in ArcGIS Desktop:

“ peer not authenticated”

To resolve this error, your self-signed certificate must be in .cert format.

Note: There are several methods for converting certificates into the required .cert format. A commonly used tool is OpenSSL.

In order to use the new certificate, it needs to be imported into two Java certificate keystores, one for the ArcMap Add-in (C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.4\java\jre\lib) and one for the Rule Author interface (JAVA_HOME\jre\lib).

The import can be achieved using the keytool Java command line application that is available in the Java\jre..\bin directory.

Use the keytool command to import certificates (replacing the variables indicated in <angled brackets>):

keytool -import -alias



<name of the certificate which is exported in .cert format>



/jre/lib/security/cacerts –trustcacerts"


For ArcMap Add-in this is imported into ArcGIS desktop's Java jre, for example.:

keytool -import -alias

{certificate_alias} -file {name of the certificate to import} -keystore C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.4\java\jre\lib\security\cacerts –trustcacerts

For the Rule Author interface this is imported into the 64 bit java home, for example:

keytool -import -alias {certificate_alias}


{name of the certificate to import}

-keystore C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_74\lib\security\cacerts –trustcacerts

See Certificate Authentication for more information.