
Each user is assigned one or more roles. These roles determine a user's privileges and the menus to which they have access.

Upon logging into 1Integrate, all roles assigned to the current user are displayed when hovering the mouse over the user name.

Displaying the current user's roles

Certain privileges are required in order to create, move, or delete items.  For example, if a Rule Definer tries to move a rule that contains an action, an error message is displayed.

Role Description

An Administrator can set up system parameters and has all the privileges of the other roles.

An Administrator can create and modify:

  • Rules
  • Data stores
  • Sessions
  • Actions
  • Action maps

An Administrator can also define and run sessions.

Data Engineer

A Data Engineer can create or modify:

  • Actions
  • Action maps

A Data Engineer can also define and run sessions.

Data Quality Steward

A Data Quality Steward is responsible for overseeing the development of the rule base, testing data against it and providing feedback for on-going rule development.

A Data Quality Steward can define and run sessions.

Data Loader

A Data Loader can connect to vector formats for analysis in 1Integrate.

A Data Loader can upload files in the following formats:

  • V8 DGN
  • ESRI Shapefile
  • MapInfo TAB (MFAL)
  • SQL Server
  • Oracle database repository
  • CSV

Note: You can only be a Data Loader if you are also a Rule Definer or an Administrator.

Rule Definer

A Rule Definer identifies potential rules in an enterprise data source and defines rules in the system.

A Rule Definer can create and modify:

  • Rules
  • Data stores
  • Sessions

A Rule Definer can also run sessions.


A User has read only access to 1Integrate.

A User can view functions in the running application including conformance reports and sessions.

Web User

A web user can access the 1Integrate web services.

Note: A user with only the Web User role will not be able to use the 1Integrate UI.