Basic Concepts

In order to get to grips with 1Integrate, it is important to understand a few basic concepts and terms used within the product:

  • An action is a procedure or process to be applied to one or more objects, when they are found to violate an associated rule. For example, an action could modify a geometry or attribute in order to fix it.
  • B
  • Extensions, sometimes referred to as "built-ins" can be added to 1Integrate to extend existing functionality.
  • A "Value Node" that returns a value calculated from one or more value parameter.
  • C
  • A node extending from another node.
  • A condition is a high-level, logical test that defines the syntax for a rule.
  • A high-level, logical test that defines the syntax for a rule or action; common conditions used are Comparison, And, Or, Existence, IF...THEN...ELSE, and For All.
  • Terms used too identify when a feature does/does not obey logic within a rule or action.
  • D
  • A data store is an external source of data (expected to be geographic data). Rules are applied to data drawn from one or more data stores.
  • Discovery is the process of analysing data from a data source, looking for patterns in it, and using statistical techniques to deduce a plausible set of rules that the data appears to satisfy. Discovery, or spatial data mining, is an important part of building a spatial knowledge base. Combined with information from published specifications and knowledge from specific individuals, it may be able to find rules that would otherwise have been omitted.
  • A "Value Node" representing an attribute from an object (e.g an object's geometry).
  • E
  • Extensions, sometimes referred to as "built-ins" can be added to 1Integrate to extend existing functionality.
  • An extent is the selected area on which any validation checks will be run. By default this is set to the entire dataset, however this can be altered using the draw tool.
  • F
  • A generic term for items within a table or file geodatabase. Interchangeable with Object.
  • A folder is a logical grouping of rules or actions. The 1Integrate interface mimics the Windows File Explorer interface, using a tree of folders and sub-folders to store rules and actions. 1Integrate folders do not correspond directly to file-system directories.
  • G
  • Grid processing allows 1Integrate to take advantage of the resources of multi-core machines and multiple machines. As a result, 1Integrate is a scalable system. If more processing power is needed, it can be added easily by adding more hardware resources to the grid.
  • N
  • The basic unit within a logic tree
  • A "Value Node" that always evaluates as null.
  • O
  • A generic term for items within a table or file geodatabase. Interchangeable with Feature
  • Uniquely identifies objects in the same class that are tested against each other in clauses and sub-clauses of a rule.
  • Value nodes representing objects opr elements from a collection; used to access a whole object/feature directly or access and element when loopng through a collection or array.
  • An operation is a high level component of an action, which determines the primary function of the action.
  • P
  • A node from which other nodes extend.
  • R
  • Compares any two values and returns a result of true or false.
  • The highest node in a logic tree; within 1Integrate, this node defines which feature class will be evaluated within the logic.
  • Rules identify a group of features based on sets of logical expressions.
  • S
  • A Relationshop that compares two value (boolean, integers, real numbers, dates, or strings).
  • A session is a sequence of tasks that describe a workflow. For example, open data from one or more data sources, check conformance against selected rules, apply rule-based transformations to resolve problems, and commit the changes to the original data source(s).
  • A type of relationship only applied to geometry values.
  • A "Value Node" with a fixed value such as boolean, integer, string, real or timestamp.
  • T
  • A task is an abstraction referring to some process applied to data from a data store. Specific tasks performed by 1Integrate include "Open data", "discover rules", "check rules", "apply action" and "commit data". A task may take seconds, minutes, hours, or days. Therefore it executes asynchronously, so that the user can monitor progress and abort sessions. Tasks continue processing even if the user who started them logs out or shuts down the client computer. All status values and reports associated with the task are retained.
  • V
  • A value is a constant, a reference to objects or a calculation. They are compared using a relationship.
  • A constant, a reference to objects or a calculation.