Supported Datastores

1Integrate supports the following types of datastores for input (reading) and output (writing), either as standard or using FME Desktop (which requires a licence). Pay particular attention to the prerequisites attached to certain datastore types:

Note: All formats listed below as using FME Desktop require FME Desktop Professional Edition, unless otherwise indicated.

Data Store Type As standard Using FME Desktop
Read Write Read Write

Bentley Microstation Design (V8)

Comma Separated Value (CSV)

Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF

Esri Enterprise Geodatabase

1 2

Esri File Geodatabase

Esri Shapefile

MapInfo Tab

Microsoft SQL Server Spatial

3 4



Google BigQuery

Commit / Copy-To Support

Not all data store types support the Commit task as a method of writing data back to a data store (see Commit Task). However, all data store types support the Copy-To task (see Copy To Task).

Data Store Type Task Supported
Commit Copy-To

Bentley Microstation Design (V8)

Comma Separated Value (CSV)

Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF

Esri Enterprise Geodatabase

Esri File Geodatabase

Esri Shapefile

MapInfo Tab

Microsoft SQL Server Spatial



Google BigQuery