NIC/Network Adaptor Configuration

The Grid discovery used to find engines by default uses the first found non-loopback address, for example a machine with Ethernet adaptors "eth0" and "eth1" and Local Loopback "lo" will likely use "eth0".

Note: If you do not need to override the adaptor default behaviour, then the following properties do not need to be included.

ClosedConfigure NIC/Network Adaptor (Wildfly)

The following properties must be included in the file:

grid.local.address=[NIC Address]

grid.discovery.tcp.port=[default: 51300]

grid.communication.tcp.port=[default: 51401]


  • grid.local.address - specifies the IP address of the network adaptor used for grid communication.

  • grid.communication.tcp.port and grid.discovery.tcp.port - allows environments to specify known ports (for example, when using a firewall).

    Note: The communication port must be a minimum of 100 greater than the discovery port, in order to avoid conflict.

ClosedConfigure NIC/Network Adaptor (WebLogic)

Within the file, include the following in the parameters within the 1Integrate_par_user_defined system parameter (see Additional Configuration for more):

-Dgrid.local.address=[NIC Address] -Dgrid.discovery.tcp.port=[default: 51300] -Dgrid.communication.tcp.port=[default: 51401]

Note: Only one 1Integrate_par_user_defined system parameter can be defined. Ensure all additionally configured parameters are under this. See Additional Configuration

Note: It is possible to configure the above by navigating to the WebLogic Server Administration Console and including the Server Start Arguments. This will have to be carried out after installation and will not persist between installations and upgrades.


  • Dgrid.local.address - specifies the IP address of the network adaptor used for grid communication.

  • Dgrid.communication.tcp.port and Dgrid.discovery.tcp.port - allows environments to specify known ports (for example, when using a firewall).

    Note: The communication port must be a minimum of 100 greater than the discovery port, in order to avoid conflict.