Configuring Login Banner

Optionally, you can configure a login banner to appear at the top of the Login page:

  1. First, you must create a valid HTML file with plain text and optional heading tags. Text will be displayed as black.
  2. In the file, add the following:

    Parameter Description

    Enter a file path to a HTML document you have defined e.g:


    Note: The HTML page must be placed on the same server as the one running the Interface(s).

  3. In the file, add the following:

    Parameter Description

    Enter a file path to a HTML document you have defined e.g:


    Note: The HTML page must be placed on the same server as the one running the Interface(s).

    Note: The 1Integrate_par_user_defined system parameter can only be entered once. Ensure all additional parameters are under this. Each should be entered as a space separated list of parameter=value pairs. Colons and backslashes need to be prefixed with a \ character.