Creating Partitions

Partition polygons must already exist and be accessible from a datastore before partitioning can be used in a session in 1Integrate.

They must exist as geometric features in a single class within your datastore. Suitable Partition polygons may already exist or they can be created in a separate 1Integrate session and committed to a datastore, or created using other tools.

Best Practice Tips

For best performance its a good idea to have partition polygons that:

  • Are compact in shape (more like squares than long thin shapes)
  • Have similar number of features inside them (so dense urban areas should have smaller partitions than sparse rural areas)
  • Have no gaps between them
  • Cover all the data you want to process
  • Avoid having many features crossing their boundaries and tend to follow the existing data: features that intersect multiple partitions will be processed in each partition.
  • Ensure the number of partitions that are processed in parallel by the engines are neither too large (so that repeating a partition takes too long), or too small (so that there are huge numbers of features that are in multiple partitions).

ClosedForming Partitions

To form partitions, some recommended techniques are:

  • Using political boundaries such as local authority or municipality areas
  • Aggregating smaller skin-of-the-earth features into larger polygons
  • Using the implicit gaps between linear features, such as road lines
  • 1Integrate includes built-in Operations to help create partitions from existing data. These help to aggregate existing polygons into partitions, and to add a grid of lines around the outside of the partitions in order to handle data outside of the partition data. When using lines such as roads to form partitions then planar topology must first be built in order to use the topology faces (but not including the universe face). In order to use the built-in Operations, the data must be loaded into a session and topology built on the data, before the operations can be used. For more information about built-in operations please see Built-in Operations.