Non-Conformance Report

A Rule Conformance Report is generated by Check Rules task(s) run in a session, which is then available to view and to download as XML. When added to a session, the Non-Conformance Report data store is able to generate features from the Rule Conformance Report, which can subsequently be exported to a data format supported by 1Integrate (see Supported Data Stores).

Both non-spatial and spatial non-conformancecs are included, and all contain:

  • The ID of the failing feature (if the data store can determine which attribute is the ID).

  • Details of the rule that failed.

  • The feature class.

  • The geometry or attribute names.

  • All reported attribute values encoded in JSON.

Using the Non-conformance report Data Store

  1. Add a new Data Store and configure a Non-Conformance Report Data Store for the Input Details. This creates internal classes to store the non-conformances which can be written out via a Copy-To task in the session. You can also configure the Output Details to select the target format or destination.
  2. Build a session that features an Open Data Task that opens data (e.g. Oracle) and checks rules.

  3. Add a new Open Data task and pick the Data Store created in step 1.

    Note: If you do not add an Open Data task before the Optional Copy To task then the session will throw unhandled exception errors containing messages such as “NOSUCHCLASS: No class of this name has been defined in the schema".

  4. (Optional) Create a Copy To task and pick the data store defined in step 1 to export the features to the defined output format.

Note: This should only be placed once and will only apply to rules that have failed before the Non-Conformance Report data store's open data task in the session.

A simple session including a Non-Conformance Report and descriptive label

Non-Conformance Attributes

The following attributes will can be reported on when performing a non-conformance report.

Note: Each attribute name will be preceded by the "sys_" or "sys:" depending on the data store e.g. "sys_attributes" or "sys:feature_id".


A comma separated list of attributes and their values; the failing attribute(s), a geometry (minimum bounding rectangle) and any attributes selected for reporting.

attribute_names A comma separated list of the attribute(s) that fail a rule, when the non-conformance is from a non-spatial check
error_message (error non-conformances only) A description of the error that occurred.
feature_class The feature_class of the non-conforming root feature.

The ID of the non-conforming root feature, if the data store can specify which attribute is the unique id.

Not all data stores are able to specify which attribute represents a unique ID.

Note: Setting a unique key will ensure the feature_id is populated.


An internal system ID for the feature, unique within the Session.


A description of the rule against which the feature did not conform.

rule_name The name provided for the rule.
rule_path The location of the rule in the  folder structure.
geometry (spatial non-conformances only)

A point or multi-point geometry pinpointing the location of the spatial non-conformance.

Geometry is calculated from the inferred hotspot which is either:

  • The problem location (e.g. if a rule is checking for overlaps then this reports the point location of each overlap)

  • A point within the geometry if no specific hotspot was inferred.