
The PostgreSQL/PostGIS data store is available for Reading and Writing data in 1Integrate.

Read and Write Support

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Data Support

Data Support Notes

For more information about 3D data in 1Integrate, please refer to 3D Support.

Key Information

  • This data store uses the PostgreSQL JDBC driver to connect to the database.

  • The data store will not create missing database objects such as tables and views. Ensure these are created before trying to write data.
  • For 1Integrate to read the dimensionality of a geometry, you must set the geometry column type in your PostGIS database. If the geometry column type is not set specifically, 1Integrate will read XY data only, and the 3rd ordinate will be lost.

    Example: Instead of using "geometry", use "geometry(LineStringZ)" for heighted lines.

Input and Output Parameters

ClosedInput Parameters

ClosedOutput parameters