Discovery Specifications

Discovery Specifications determine the parameter values used in the Rule Discovery task. They are managed in the Rule Discovery workspace.

The Rule Discover tabs: General and Specification

Tabs within the Rule Discovery workspace

Once an item is selected from the Navigation Pane, it can be viewed or modified using the following tabs:

  • General - standard metadata relating to the selected item.

  • Specification - details of the parameters and algorithms to be used.

Creating Discovery Specifications

New Discovery Specifications can be created from the Navigation Pane.

ClosedCreate a Discovery Specification

  1. Navigate to the Rule Discovery page.

  2. Within the Navigation Pane, select the folder in which you want to create a new discovery specification.

  3. Select New > Discovery Spec.

    A new discovery specification will be created with a default name "New Discovery 1".

  4. Within the General tab, use the Name field to enter a new name for the discovery specification.

    Once you have typed a name, click outside of the text field to ensure it will be saved.

  5. Within the Specification tab, select an Algorithm and enter the required parameters.

    Note: Spatial Boosting is the only algorithm currently supported (see Spatial Boosting Algorithm).

  6. Click the Save button.