Configuring Login Banner

You can configure a login banner to appear at the top of the login page to include additional text for your users. This banner will not replace the 1Integrate login graphics or logo, but will appear at the top of the page.

Login page with an example banner

The banner is defined by a file that includes a snippet of text or other HTML.

Note: The Login box will remain at the same location and in the foreground, so if the banner is too large it will appear behind the login box.

HTML tags, while not required, can be included for further customisations. For a full list of supported tags, see the drop-down below.

ClosedSupported HTML tags

The file can have any extension and must be placed on the filesystem accessible to all interface servers in the deployment.



  1. Create your HTML file.
  2. In the file, add the following:

    Parameter Description

    Enter a file path to a HTML document you have defined e.g:


    Note: The HTML file must be accessible by each Interface server.


  1. Create your HTML file.
  2. In the installer's file, add the following:

    Parameter Description

    Enter a file path to a HTML document you have defined e.g:

    1Integrate_par_user_defined= <other parameter=value pairs> -DloginBanner=C\:\/Apps\/1Spatial\/1Integrate\/Banner%20Folder\/Heading_Banner.html

    Note: The HTML file must be accessible by each Interface server.

    Note: The 1Integrate_par_user_defined system parameter can only be entered once. Ensure all additional parameters are under this. Each should be entered as a space separated list of parameter=value pairs. Colons and backslashes need to be prefixed with a \ character, even on Windows and use %20 for spaces in file or folder names .