Access Groups

When using 1Integrate, you may want to restrict access to specific objects.

Administrative users can control this by setting Access Groups and applying the group restrictions to their chosen objects.

Key Information

  • Access groups that have been defined can be applied to a folder, or applied individually to items within these folders.

  • Access group permissions are stored at the object level, meaning that any references to items (such as data opened within a session) will not be restricted. For this reason, it is recommended that you keep referenced material in the same folder with the same permissions.

  • Adding restrictions to a child of a restricted folder does not replace the parent restriction. This allows you to use subsets of additionally restricted objects.

  • Once an Access Group has been set on an object, users that are not in that group will see it greyed out and be unable to access it.

  • Restricted objects show a lock next to their name. If a user has access to that group it will show as unlocked access, and locked access if not.

The Access Groups Admin interface




Name of the group.


Description of the group.


The users that are part of this group. Hover over this to display a list of users.

Last Edited

How long ago this group was last edited. Hover over this to display the date of the last edit.

Used By

Number of entities that use this group. Hover over this to display a list of entities that use this group.

Configure and Set Access Groups

Closedcreate Access Groups

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard in the 1Integrate interface, and select the Access Groups tab.

  2. Select the Add icon to begin configuring a new Access Group. Add a Name, Description (optional) and the Users you want to be a part of the group.

         Note: You can add multiple users by adding each user on a separate line.

    Add Access Group popout
    Configuring an Access Group
  3. The configured group is now available for restricting access to specific objects.

ClosedEdit Access Groups

  1. Click the Edit button next to the Access Group you want to edit.

  2. Change the contents of the fields as needed.

    Edit Access Group popout
    Edit an Access Group
  3. Click Confirm.

ClosedDelete Access Groups

  1. Click the Delete button next to the Access Group you want to delete.

         Note: Access Groups that are in use cannot be deleted. Remove the group from all objects to allow it to be deleted.

  2. Click Delete to confirm.

    Edit Access Group popout
    Delete an Access Group

         Warning: Once deleted, an Access Group cannot be restored.

ClosedMultiple Access Groups

Multiple Access groups can be created/replaced using a .JSON file with the name, description, and users for each group.

     Note: This can only be used to replace all Access Groups, so it is recommended that you download the current groups and reupload the same file with any required changes.

  1. Click the Download button in the top-right to download the Access Groups .JSON.

  2. Make changes to the file as necessary. See the example .JSON below.

    The name and description fields are both strings, while usersis an array of strings.

  3. Use the Upload button in the top-right to upload the file to confirm Access Groups.

Example Access Group .JSON

[ { "name": "ExampleOne", "description": "GroupOne", "users": [ "UserOne" ] }, { "name": "ExampleTwo", "description": "GroupTwo", "users": [ "UserOne", "UserTwo" ] }, { "name": "ExampleThree", "description": "GroupThree", "users": [ "UserTwo", "UserThree" ] } ]

ClosedSet the access Group parameter

  1. Right click on your chosen object.

  2. Choose Access group from the context menu.

  3.      Note: Before adding an Access Group to an object, ensure you have already configured it in the Admin pages. An Access Group must exist before being added to an object.

  4. Choose a group from the Access Group dropdown menu.

  5. Select Access Group popout
    Selecting an Access Group for an object
  6. Click Confirm.

    Now only users in the chosen group will be able to access the object. Other users will still be able to see it in the Navigation Pane but it will be locked.