Items and Folders

Objects: Items and folders are objects that can be created and modified within the Navigation Pane.

     Note: Objects are selected by clicking them but Ctrl and Shift allow multiple objects to be selected at once.

Creating Objects

Objects can be added either by clicking add new and choosing an item or folder to create, making your choice either in the main file path or inside a folder if one is selected. This can also be done via the context menu.

Moving, Copying, and Shortcuts

All objects can be moved and copied but items can also be duplicated in place.

To move objects quickly, click and drag the object over the folder you wish to put it in.

     Note: Folders don't auto-expand, so if you want to place something inside a folder that isn't currently visible, the parent folder needs to be expanded first.

Alternatively, cut or copy the object and paste it to the new location. This can be done with a right click, or via the standard windows shortcuts: Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V for cut, copy, and paste. Copied/cut objects are pasted into whichever folder is selected, or into the top level if nothing is selected. These also work for items within workspaces such as rules, though these can only be pasted within that same workspace.

Items can be duplicated via the context menu or with Ctrl+D. This creates a copy at the same level.

If an item has been copied, a shortcut can also be pasted instead. This allows access to specific items from elsewhere within the folder structure.


Objects can be bookmarked by selecting the Bookmark option in the context menu of your chosen item or folder. Bookmarked objects will appear under a "Bookmarks" tab in the default workspace. Once set, you can remove bookmarks by selecting Unbookmark.

     Warning: Moving a bookmarked object will remove the bookmark.

Deleting and the Recycle Bin

Objects can be deleted with the Delete key, via the context menu, or dragged straight into the recycle bin. Objects will be deleted along with any child objects.

Items that are deleted will be sent to the recycle bin, where they will be stored until they are manually deleted. Anything with the same name will have a number appended to it ie New Folder and New Folder (1). This also includes the same name on different types of objects.

The recycle bin can be emptied from the recycle bin context menu. This can also be done from any other item or folder in the bin itself.

Emptying the bin permanently deletes all items and folders that are allowed to be deleted. Anything that is still currently in use outside of the bin will not be removed as part of the deletion. This includes items that are part of another item eg a rule that is part of a session or any item that has a shortcut.

     Warning: The recycle bin is not shared between functions but it is shared by all users. If files that aren't yours exist in the recycle bin, you can permanently delete files individually


Objects in the navigation pane can be focused on using the Focus option in the context menu. This will show only the selected object and any child objects in the navigation pane, and hide all others.

Any folders that the focussed object is in will be shown in the breadcrumbs above it, which will be marked in purple to denote that it is in focus mode.

Focus can be removed by choosing the Unfocus option in the context menu.