
A Relation compares any two Values and returns a result of true or false.

They can either compare scalar values or spatial geometries.

Scalar Relationships

Scalar Relationships compare two Values (boolean, integers, real numbers, strings, or timestamps).

A Predicate using a Scalar Relationship can only return a Boolean value of True or False based on the result of comparing the two values.

ClosedTypes of Scalar Relationships

Spatial Relationships

A Spatial Relationship is a type of Relation only applied to Values that are Geometries. It returns true if the geometries have the specified Relation.

Any type of geometry can be passed into a Spatial Relationship check, but only the geometry types relevant to this Spatial Relationship will be tested. For example, if comparing areas, line geometries will not be tested.

     Note: Some Spatial Relationships can be considered subsets of others. For example, "Covered By" is a subset of "Within" (if a geometry is "Covered By" another geometry, it is also "Within" that geometry).

The detailed description of each Spatial Relationship uses the terms interior, boundary, exterior.

Spatial Relationships in 3D

Most of the Spatial Relationships in 1Integrate support 3D data, and generally have the same meaning as their 2D counterparts.

     Note: Spatial Relationships will behave differently if the geometry is a solid or if it is a multi-surface. for more information about full 3D data in 1Integrate, please see Full 3D Support.

     Note: If you are loading 2.5D data, and not true 3D, then Spatial Relationships will be calculated in 2D. For example, 2.5D geometries will intersect if they intersect in 2D, regardless of height. To compare geometries in 3D they will nee to be loaded as True 3D Geometries

ClosedTypes of Spatial Relationships