Schema Validation

The Validate Schema Task type allows you to compare the schemas of two Data Stores, without loading all of the data associated with them.

To use the Validate Schema task you must have two Data Stores available, one for the Source and another for the Reference.

     Note: You do not need to load the two Data Stores in the Session before running the Validate Schema task.

ClosedUsing the Validate Schema task

  1. Add the Validate Schema task type to your Session.

  2. Select a Source and Reference Data Store for the two schema you'd like to compare.

  3. (Optional) Select which classes to validate from the source Schema by deselecting All Classes and selecting the check boxes next to each class name.

    Additionally, select these parameters to enable the described functionality:



Allow excess source classes

The task will ignore any missing classes

Allow excess source attributes

The task will ignore any missing attributes

Allow excess reference classes

The task will ignore any missing classes that are in the reference schema but not the source.

Allow excess reference attributes

The task will ignore any missing attributes that are in the reference schema but not the source.

Include Data Store Names

Any Data Store paths will be included in the schema validation report

Schema Validation Report

The differences are recorded in a JSON report in the Task Results with the following types shown:

Difference types


Missing Classes

Missing Classes are found in the reference Schema, but not in the source Schema.

Excess Classes

Excess Classes are found in the source Schema, but not in the reference Schema.

Class Mismatch

A Class Mismatch is found if the attributes match, but the class does not.

Attribute Mismatch

An Attribute Mismatch is found if the class names match, but the attributes don't.

Missing Attribute

Missing Attributes are found if the attribute appears in the reference Schema, but not in the source Schema.

Excess Attribute

Excess Attributes are found if the attribute appears in the source schema, but not in the reference Schema.

Type Mismatch

A Type Mismatch will occur if the attribute name is the same, but the data type is different.