1Validate Administration
The 1Validate administration page is available at: http://[machine]:8021/admin/
The SOAP web service is located at:
- http://[server]:8021/admin/soap/ValidateAdminService?WSDL (simple user)
- http://[server]:8021/soap/ValidationService?WSDL (advanced administrator)
The REST web service is located at: http://[server]:8021/rest (simple user)
Validation Rules
Validation rules are written in the 1Validate administration interface.
Validation rules to be run when data is submitted need to be carefully planned and written to ensure that they have sufficient coverage of possible issues.
Note: In order to be run within the 1Spatial Management Suite, rules must be placed in a subfolder of a root folder called PRODUCTION (for example \\PRODUCTION\MyRules).
Uploading Validation Rules
Validation rules must be installed within the same folder or subfolder. Set the name of this folder in the 1Workflow administration interface.
Rules can be uploaded into the system from an XML backup. This backup contains the rules and any metadata stores used by these rules.
If 1Validate rules need to be modified, they can be updated while the system is still running. By modifying rules in the live ruleset (or adding or removing rules from this folder), the next time a job is submitted it will use the new set of rules.
1Spatial recommends that rules are managed more formally by copying old sets of rules into folders with a relevant version name, so the rules that have been run on particular jobs is traceable and transparent.
Upload Validation Rules
In the 1Validate administration interface, select the Rules icon.
Select Tools > Upload.
Browse to the backup file and select it.
The file name is displayed next to the Browse button.
Select Submit.
A table of rules is displayed.
Select Close.
Check that the new rules were added to the correct folder as specified in 1Workflow.
Move the new rules to the correct folder.
Note: In order to be run within the 1Spatial Management Suite, rules must be placed in a subfolder of a root folder called PRODUCTION (for example \\PRODUCTION\MyRules).
If using metadata stores, locate this under the Datastores tab and test the connection.