Input Connection

The Input Details tab of the Data Stores page is used to configure a connection to an external data store, from which you want to import data into 1Validate.

Once the Input Details have been entered, Schema Mapping must be performed (see Input Mapping).

Note: The Data Engineer role is required in order to configure Input Details (see Roles).

Enter Input Connection Details

  1. Navigate to the Data Stores page.

  2. From the Navigation Pane, select the data store to be configured.

  3. Open the Input Details tab.

  4. Select the required Data Store Type from the drop-down menu.

    Note: Different parameters will appear depending on which Data Store Type is selected.

  5. Enter the details for your selected Data Store Type.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Test Connection to verify the data can be accessed.

Input Details Parameters

When setting up an Input Connection, the Data Store Type you select will determine which parameters appear.

The following tables detail the parameters required for each available Data Store Type.

ClosedAutodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF

ClosedBentley MicroStation Design (V8)

ClosedComma Separated Value (CSV)

ClosedEsri Enterprise Geodatabase

Note: In order to use the Esri Enterprise Geodatabase datastore format, ArcMap (64-bit) and FME Desktop Esri Edition must be installed and a licence for each available on the machine(s) running 1Integrate (and all session queues). For full details, see the FME knowledge centre.

Parameter Description
Source Database

The name of the database.

Coordinate Reference System

Required if the data store will be used in a session that will write data to Oracle.

This value is the Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID) in the form SRID=[NNNN], where [NNNN] is the Oracle SRID.

Note: When data is read from FME and written to Oracle, if no Oracle-specific SRID is defined, the Oracle data store will attempt to find one corresponding to the EPSG code. EPSG codes are a standard way to describe geospatial coordinate system and are maintained by the European Petroleum Survey Group.

Import FME Log File Download the FME log file created during import (to help identify any errors).
Allow invalid geometries

Allows features with invalid geometries (e.g. duplicate vertices, self-intersections) to be imported.

This is necessary if they need to be imported in order to be validated or corrected. If not ticked then features with invalid geometries are not imported and are logged as feature errors in the open data task.

Fix ring direction and inclusion errors

Selecting this option will, where possible, correct polygons that do not correctly identify which rings form the outer boundary and which are holes or that have rings that do not conform to the OGC standard for clockwise/anti-clockwise direction.

Reverse Coordinate axis order (y, x) Reverse the x and y co-ordinate values. Select this if the coordinates are in (y,x) order and are not being read or written in the correct order.
Connection File Select a connection file (.sde) to be used to connect to the Esri Enterprise Geodatabase.
Dataset The name of the dataset from which features will be retrieved.
Server The name of the Geodatabase server used to read data from the dataset.
Instance Name

The name of the Enterprise Geodatabase instance.

Note: The typical value for systems with a single ArcSDE instance is esri_sde8.

User ID User ID of the Enterprise Geodatabase user.
Password Password for the User ID.
Retrieve All Schemas

Must be checked to allow import schema refresh.

Remove Table Qualifier

Specifies whether to keep or remove the table name prefix.

For example, if set, "ROAD_NETWORK.NONCONFORMANCE" will become "NONCONFORMANCE".

Clip to envelope

If selected, causes features that overlap the bounding box (defined in the Search Envelope parameter) to be clipped and the outer part discarded.

Note: This should only be used when a session is loading a subset of the data by defining an extent as a bounding box or polygon. If set, it causes features that overlap the extent to be clipped and the outer part discarded. If not selected then the whole geometry of features that intersect the extent will be loaded including the parts of their geometry that are outside the extent.

ClosedEsri File Geodatabase

ClosedEsri Shape

ClosedMapInfo Tab

ClosedMicrosoft SQL Server Spatial

