Copy To Task

A Copy To task is used to write back data to any data store using output mapping (Output Mapping). This can be the same data store from which data was opened, or a different one.

Note: If you simply want to write data back to the same data store from which it was opened, then use a Commit task (see Commit Task).

If the data store is OVM workspace enabled, you can enter a workspace name in the OWM Workspace field (see Oracle Workspace Manager (OWM) Workspaces).

By default, a Copy To task writes to all classes included in the Output Mapping. To override this, un-check the All Classes checkbox within the task, and select the required classes from the list that appears.

Note: Refresh the list if you have added or removed classes from the output mapping since the data store was selected in this session.

ClosedAdd a Copy To task to a Session

  1. Navigate to the Sessions workspace.

  2. From the Navigation Pane, select a session to edit.

  3. Open the Tasks tab.

  4. Click New and select Copy To.

  5. In the Select dialogue that appears, select the data store to be used.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Save.

Copy To Task Results

Once a session is run, a completed Copy To task provides an XML file detailing the number of objects copied and the number of errors, in summary and for each class.