
Version 1.4.0 PDF


  No new enhancements.

Bug Fixes

MSGEN-1590 If a flowline action assigns values to attribute when creating a new object, the generated profile override will not generate assignments for those attributes.

Version 1.3.0 PDF


MSGEN-1343 A logout button has been added to the “smart” UI.
  No new enhancements.
  No new enhancements.
MSGEN-1568 The Oracle data store supports selecting a savepoint within a workspace. When a generaliseRegion SOAP request specifies a sourceInfo with both workspace and savepoint defined, the savepoint will be selected when the connection underlying the classification is of type Oracle data store. Previously, this worked only with the Contextual data store.
  No new enhancements.
  No new enhancements.
MSGEN-1545 Sort schemas in classification and profile data stores.
MSGEN-1554 Reinstate create_building_partitions and snap_features builtins. These are unsupported demonstration capabilities.
MSGEN-1491 New builtin operation split_at_junctions that makes a network fully noded as required by some 1Generalise algorithms.
MSGEN-1499 New builtin function set_null_attributes that sets one or more attribute values to null, allowing the attribute names to be parameterized.
MSGEN-1455 A new capability to collapse dual carriageways. This is an initial evaluation release and is not yet capable of dealing with all situations in complex models.

Bug Fixes


Simplification retries generate intersecting edges.

The simplification retry operations – e.g. “process_douglas_peucker_simplification_retries” – applies a number of strategies in order to try to achieve good results:

  1. Retry the original simplification in case modifications to nearby features allow it to succeed.

  2. Simplify the edge that failed, and then find all other edges that intersect the result, then validate the result. This can achieve a better result when two edges are approximately parallel.

  3. Split the edge into half and simplify each half independently. If a half-edge intersects no other nodes or edges and the result does not change topological relationships with any nodes or isolated edges, the result is used. If simplifying the half-edge would break topology, the algorithm is applied recursively to bisect the half-edge.

Intersecting edges were created because strategy #2, the intersecting edge simplifier, relies on the topology engine to determine whether the result is valid. Crossing edges are valid unless an “edges split edges” rule is defined. The reported session used only a “share nodes” rule, so crossing edges are considered valid.

An edges split edges rule is recommended for most uses of 1Generalise. However, the simplification failures processor has been changed to exclude the intersecting edge simplifier if there is no edges split edges rule. The recursive simplifier will generate a valid result.

MSGEN-1343 The logout button in the 1Generalise admin interface now works if the user logged in via the “smart” UI.
MSGEN-1340 It is no longer possible to reproduce a session hanging if the pause button is pressed as it is starting. This was fixed in a recent update to 1Integrate.
ADVKARTO-3379 Complete the short edge removal fixes started in release 1.2.5.
ADVKARTO-3437 Further fixes to special cases in buildings short edge removal.
ADVKARTO-3379 The short edge removal algorithm has been enhanced to achieve greater simplification of areas with inner rings where short edge removal on one of the rings generated self-intersections.
MSGEN-1548 The session documenter (the icon in the admin interface Session Tasks page) now shows a summary of the session.

Version 1.2.4 PDF


MSGEN-1495 Adding support for Oracle 12cR1 database

Bug Fixes

MSVALIDATE-592 'ORA-20156: there are active sessions using the workspace' when running sessions with a datastore with JNDI connection.

Version 1.2.3 PDF



Bug Fixes

MSGEN-1479 The classification UI does not display any class mappings. The mappings are there, they can be seen in the admin interface, and jobs can be run. The bug was introduced in v1.2.2, when the GML datastore was added.

Version 1.2.2 PDF



Bug Fixes

MSGEN-1475 DataStore transaction timeout when reading datastore details, change from 120 seconds to 300 seconds. (any longer timeout indicates database connection problems).

Version 1.2.1 PDF


MSINT-587 New Cache Viewer available for any task: Can step through state of each task, improved UI for seeing non-conformances and selecting features. The Cache Viewer is available from the Sessions tab in the admin UI.
MSINT-300 Configurable styling of cache viewer
MSINT-636 Session description button to document contents of session including details of all rules and actions run.
MSINT-596 New timings summary page for session
MSINT-587 New errors summary page for session

Bug Fixes

MSGEN-1416 The 1Generalise installer was modified to prompts for the JMS schema name. This makes it possible to run several 1Generalise Interfaces on the same repository, as long as each Interface uses a separate JMS schema. 1Generalise no longer uses Last Logging Resource for handling transactions.

Version 1.1.105 PDF


MSINT-629 Switch to garbage collection of the session data cache. This means that paused sessions can be deleted via the API or UI immediately, without having to stop each one.
MSGEN-1437 Add generalise_monitor role with read only access to the job map screen

Bug Fixes

MSGEN-1436 Fix a bug introduced in version 1.1.104 that prevents restoring action templates in 1Generalise.

Version 1.1.104 PDF


MSGEN-1389 Remove grid parameters from WebLogic installation files included in the release
MSCOMMON-497 Remove JDK selection from the installer and update the supported JDK check. All servers will use the JDK configured when the domain was created.
MSVALIDATE-515 Remove the need to install a Gothic DAM. It is no longer possible to view results of previous steps while a job is being processed. It may be possible to configure the command line installer to use an external DAM, but that configuration is no longer supported.

Bug Fixes

MSGEN-1317 Prevent building_stellate_short_edges from producing sharp angles.
MSGEN-1391 Fix a bug where buffering partitions for National Load child job creation could fail, reporting “MultiPolygon cannot be cast to Polygon”.
MSGEN-1395 Fix a bug where line features that extend a very short distance outside the partition boundary were not written to the target dataset.

Buildings with spikes.

Output from the buildings subflow resulted in 'triangular' buildings or obvious spikes. A number of scenarios have been resolved:

  • Where one source building touches another at an angle

  • Where one generalised building touches another at an angle

  • Where a source building is not square; i.e. has angular sides within the building outline

  • Some other rare cases

MSGEN-1399 Resolve rare cases where building simplification generated spikes (short_edge_removal and stellate_short_edges).
MSGEN-1400 Fix a bug where building_remove_short_edges sometimes generated an error: “failed to invoke building_remove_short_edges Caused by: Lines do not intersect”.
MSGEN-1410 Ensure that the ms-generalise-client application includes all required dependent jars (a regression introduced in version 1.1.100).
MSGEN-1413 ScalingGeometryCombiner fails with INVALGEOMTYPE. The problem was that it includes a workaround for generation of invalid areas. This failed when we ended up with an invalid geometry that wasn't an area. It has been fixed by verifying the result is an area.

Version 1.1.103 PDF



Bug Fixes

MSGEN-1396 Reading from a datastore using an Oracle datastore through JNDI fails.

Version 1.1.102 PDF


MSGEN-1243 Extend the 1Generalise Algorithm for snapping Landcover features (or any area features) to handle impassable classes - a feature should not be extended if it interacts with a feature of one of these classes.
MSGEN-1244 Extend the snap areas algorithm to process features that overlap the calculated extension geometry. Where a feature is within the extension geometry it should be deleted. When a line crosses the extension geometry or an area overlaps the extension geometry, the portion within the extension geometry should be deleted (the geometry set to the difference). Points that lie on the boundary of the extension area and lines that are wholly or partly on the boundary of the extension area but not inside it will not be chopped or deleted.

Bug Fixes

MSGEN-1267 Snap areas fails when the snapping should produce a very thin polygon.
MSGEN-1268 Snap Area fails when the area touches the line it needs to snap to.
MSGEN-1386 In very rare cases building simplification enters an infinite loop, resulting in an out of memory error.
MSGEN-1387 1Generalise does not run jobs on a SOA domain.

Version 1.1.101 PDF



Bug Fixes


When loading an existing classification into the classification UI, filter on attributes which contain several values with space in it could become corrupted, and will need fixing manually.

Manual fix: edit all filter rules that use values with space in it, check that they appear correctly and fix those which are wrong.

MSGEN-1265 Snap areas misses some space at some corners.