Submission Manager

Click Submission Manager from the 1Spatial tab to open the Submission Manager as a new window.

The window has two sections: My Assignments and My Submissions.

My Assignments

This shows all Assignments that you have access to. Assignments can be filtered using the search bar.

My Assignments

Selecting an Assignment will open it in My Submissions.

My Submissions

My Submissions has two tabs, one for creating a New Submission and one to view your Submission History.

Submission History

Submission Manager with the Submission History showing

The Submission History shows a list of all your previous Submissions. This shows all Submissions, regardless of if they were created in ArcGIS Pro, the 1Data Gateway UI, or via the API.

Click the view button on the right of an entry to show the results of that Submission.

New Submission

Create new Submission by clicking Create Submission from this tab.