Submission Results

    You may now review the results of the submission. This screen is reached through any normal means of completion, including cancellation.

    A submission results page for a submission that is still open and has all attached media.
    The Submission Results screen
  1. You can download the:
    • Input Data that was used in the submission.
    • Download Input button
    • Output Data that was generated by processing the Input Data, if applicable.
    • Download Output button
    • Log of all the steps taken during the submission. This includes the tasks run, which schema was used, etc.
    • Download Log button
    • Report summarising the submission. This can be customised to hide tasks which have not finished or with no processed features.
    • View Report button
      Customise Report PDF popout
    An example of the generated pdf report, with some details redacted.
    An example PDF report
  2. You may want to click Remove Media when finished if you no longer need it. Media may automatically be removed based on the specification configuration.
  3. Remove Media button
  4. It's important to close submissions once you are finished with them. Click the Close Submission button when you want to close the submission.
  5. Close Submission button
  6. Once you have submitted an assignment and left the summary page, it is possible to view it or another summary from the My Assignments tab.


It is possible that there is an issue with the data or with 1Data Gateway that isn't picked up before it's processed.

  1. If an error occurs it might look similar to one of the screenshots below.

    An example of an error
    Another example of an error
  2. If the submission has ended, you can locate the submission under the Submissions tab.
  3. The information pane will show the outcome of the submission. In the example below, the submission was rejected for timing out.

    Note: This can be for all outcomes including completing successfully, cancellation, or rejection.

    An example of a Submission that failed
    Download Log button
  4. For further details on a failed submission you should contact your administrator with the Submission Support Number.
  5. An example Submission Support Number