LDAP Configuration

The LDAP Configuration page can be reached by an Administrator via the LDAP Configuration section in the System tab.

If your organisation manages users through an LDAPClosed Lightweight Directory Access Protocol server it is possible to configure 1Data Gateway to use the active directory to create user accounts.

     Note: If an LDAP server is used to connect users, it is still possible to add additional users manually on the Users tab or in bulk via User Import.

To configure LDAP in 1Data Gateway, you must be logged on as a Site AdministratorClosed The site administrator role has access to all administrative capabilities..

Once you have logged on, access the System tab from the side navigation panel and select LDAP configuration.

ClosedServer Settings

Server Settings tab

The following information is required to connect to your chosen LDAP server:



Server URL

The URL location of your LDAP server.

Base DN

The root for any searches carried out in the LDAP server e.g:

the location 1spatial.local.com would be DC=1spatial,DC=local,DC=com


The username for the LDAP server.


The password for the LDAP server.

Once you have entered the details you can click the Test Connection button to ensure you have entered the correct information and then click the Save Settings button.

ClosedUser Settings

User Settings tab with the fields filled in.

The following settings are used to configure the synchronisation of user accounts within your LDAP server.

User Synchronisation Settings



Relative DN

Additional organisational units defined in your LDAP.


Restrict users to object classes specified.


The time in which 1Data Gateway will re-synchronise with the LDAP server, in hours and/or minutes. e.g. 1h 30m

Job Log Retention

The time in which 1Data Gateway will retain job logs, in hours and/or minutes. e.g. 1h 30m

Synchronisation Enabled

Select to enable synchronisation.

User Schema




LDAP attribute equivalent to the 1Data Gateway UID. e.g. objectGUID


LDAP attribute equivalent to the Email attribute.

Given Name

The LDAP given name attribute to use in 1Data Gateway.

Last Name

The LDAP last name attribute to use in 1Data Gateway.

Once you have entered the relevant information to read from your LDAP server, select Save Settings. Select Preview to populate a list of all synchronised users.

ClosedSync Monitor

Sync monitor tab filled with logs that resync every hour.

You can view all previous synchronisation events as set by synchronisation interval period, or click Synchronise to force sync.

For each previous synchronisation event you can click Log to download and view the log.