Non-Conformance Report

A Task Results report is generated by Check Rules task(s) run in a Session, which is then available to view and to download as JSON. When added to a session, the Non-Conformance Report Data Store is able to generate features from the task results report, which can subsequently be exported to a data format supported by 1Integrate (see Supported Data Stores).

Both non-spatial and spatial non-conformances are included, and all contain the ID of the failing feature, details of the rule that failed, the feature class, the geometry or attribute names and all reported attribute values encoded in JSON.

ClosedUsing the Non-conformance report Data Store

  1. Create a Non-Conformance Data Store with Read and Commit details in addition to any other Data Stores you may be using.

  2. (Optional), you can also configure an Copy To Details to another format.

  3. Build a Session that features at least one Open Data task and one Check Rules task.

  4. Add another Open Data task and configure it as the Non-Conformance Report Data Store created in step 1.

  5. (Optional) Create a Copy To task and pick the Data Store defined in step 1 to export the features to the defined output format.

     Note: This should only be placed once and will only apply to Rules that have failed before the Non-Conformance Report Data Store's open data task in the session.

A simple Session including a Non-Conformance Report being loaded and copied to