Running Sessions

Sessions are run from the Sessions workspace. You can monitor a Session as it is running, and watch the progress of each individual task.

Run a Session

  1. Navigate to the Sessions workspace.

  2. From the Navigation Pane, select a Session to run.

  3. Click the Play button to run the Session.

The following controls are available from the top bar of the Sessions workspace:


The play button starts a Session, or resumes a paused Session.


The pause button suspends a currently running Session.


The stop button discards all data and results, and rewinds to the beginning of the Session.


The rewind button rewinds the most recently performed task within a Session.

     Note: You can also rewind to any task by right-clicking it and selecting ‘Rewind’

Session Indicator

To the right of the stop button is the Session Indicator. This displays the current status of the Session eg. Not Started, Paused, Error, Rewinding, etc

     Note: The ability to rewind a Session is disabled when using Production Mode.

While a Session is running you can not insert, delete, or edit tasks.

When a Session has completed, it is no longer possible to rewind tasks.

     Note: If the Session does not end with a Pause task, all intermediate data will be discarded when the Session completes.

Monitoring Progress

The status of each task is indicated by an icon on the right-hand side of its entry in the task list:

Task is currently running

Task is paused

Task is completed

     Note: Before the task has started, no icon is displayed.

Similarly, the status of a Session is indicated by its icon in the Navigation Pane:

Session is not yet running.
Session is running.
Session is paused.
Session is completed.
Session contains a Map ready for viewing.
Session has failed.