Production Mode

By default, 1Integrate saves "checkpoints" of the changes to your data at every task throughout a Session (except for the Check Rules task) and saves them to the Session Cache.

     Note: To speed up the Session, Production Mode also avoids performing pre-run validation checks, so it’s important that your Session has been tested before enabling this mode.

Checkpoints only save changes made in that task and allow you to rewind sessions and step through the state of your data throughout the Session in the Map Viewer.

Production Mode can be used to improve performance and save disk space, by minimising the number of checkpoints saved. However, this disables the ability to rewind sessions or use of the Map Viewer.

Production Mode has greater performance improvements and saves more disk space proportional to the number of Tasks and objects processed.

You can enable Production Mode for a session by use of the Production Mode option in the Edit Session Settings dialogue.

A Screenshot with the Enable Production Mode option turnf on in the interface.
Enabled Production Mode for a Session