Opening and Selecting Data

When defining a Session, you can edit the settings which includes defining the spatial extent, controlling the amount of data you read in.

A screenshot showing the open data options from the drop down.
Open data extent options

Open Data Extent

Extent Opened


All Data

By default, a Session will run on All Data. This means the Session will apply to all data from all opened data sources (selected in Open Data Tasks).

Bounding Box

The Bounding Box setting can be used to define a rectangular area of your data to be analysed. Processing will only apply to objects that intersect with or are contained by this region.

The co-ordinates of the area (MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY) are defined in dataset units.

Multiple Predefined Regions

You can define multiple predefined regions that are multiple polygons from one of your datasets.

When a Data Store is opened, the classes where the predefined areas exist are selected according to the table name.

First select a Data Store to be opened, then select a class.

Single Predefined Region

You can define a Single Predefined Region which is a polygon from one of your datasets.

First, select a Data Store to be opened, then define the following parameters:

  • Table - a table name that corresponds to a class

  • Where - a column name that corresponds to an attribute

  • Equals - a value for the attribute

     Note: You can optionally include a session parameter in the equals field. Any session parameter must be preceded by $, e.g: $SessionParameter.

WKT Polygon

Define a polygon or multi-polygon extent as a Well Known Text (WKT) geometry, for example:

POLYGON ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))

This must be in same spatial reference system as the data.

     Note: The extent restriction defined here can be overridden at a Task level using the Open Data Task.

     Note: All Data Stores support using a bounding box to restrict which data is loaded into 1Integrate.

However, only the following Data Stores will make the polygonal queries required to exclusively load the data within the given polygon from the source data:

  • Oracle

  • PostgreSQL/PostGIS

  • Contextual Data Store

For all other Data Stores, 1Integrate will request a bounding box (the Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) of the polygon) and throw away any excess data.

This may have a performance impact for complex polygonal shapes, particularly when dealing with multi-polygons due to the potential size of the MBR.

Additional Options

Scope and Buffer Regions
Buffer can be set to consider data in a region that is larger than the selection. The buffer value is in dataset units.

Production Mode
Enabling Production Mode avoids saving the intermediate state of data between Tasks. This saves disk space and improves performance, but disables the ability to rewind tasks and use the Map Viewer to visualise the Session data (See Production Mode).

     Note: To speed up the Session, Production Mode also avoids performing pre-run validation checks, so it’s important that your Session has been tested before enabling this mode.

Engine Labels
If enabled, Engine Filters allow Engine Labels to be selected, defining which engines the session can run on.

Session Parameters
Values specific to a Session can be passed in to change the behaviour of that Session.

Non-spatial Filtering

In addition to restricting the data load based on geometric filtering, you can restrict data load based on non-spatial expressions.

Non-spatial filtering can be applied to Open Data Task, Check Rules Task, Apply Actions Task, and Apply Action Maps Task.