Open Data Task

An Open Data Task is used to open a dataset, so that the data can be processed by other Tasks in the Session.

     Note: Multiple Data Stores can be used by adding multiple Open Data tasks.

For each Open Data task, a Data Store must be defined.

If the data store is OWM workspace enabled, you can enter a workspace name in the OWM Workspace field (see Accessing Versioned Data).

Enable Topology can also be selected to enable Topology for each data source.

     Note: Selecting Session Extent Override will allow you to override the Session extent. For more, see Session Extent Override Options below. For more on Session extents, please see Opening and Selecting Data.

By default, an Open Data task accesses all classes included in the Read and Commit. To override this, un-check the All Classes checkbox when configuring the task ,and select the required classes from the drop-down list that appears.

ClosedAdd an Open Data Task to a Session

  1. Navigate to the Sessions workspace.

  2. From the Navigation Pane, select a Session to edit.

  3. Add a new Open Data task, or select to edit an existing one.

  4. If configuring a new task, select the Data Store to be used.

  5. If you want all classes to be used, leave All Classes checked.

    If not, un-check the box and select from the list of classes that appears.

  6. Click Save.

ClosedSession Extent Override Options

When defining an Open Data task you can choose to override the session extent. To do so, select one of the following options from the Session Extent Override drop down list:



Leave Blank

Do not override the Session extent. Default behaviour.

Bounding Box

Define a rectangular area of your data to be analysed. Processing will only apply to objects that lie partially or wholly within this region.

Extent of Previous

Restricts data to the convex hull of all previously opened data.

     Note: This option is not available if there are no previous Open Data tasks in the Session.

Open all data

Overrides any Session set extent and opens all data.

     Example: If a Session is restricted by a polygon, selecting Open All will override this and open all of the available data contained in the Data Store.

Single Predefined region

You can define a Single Predefined Region for each Open Data Task within your Session.

     Note: If there is a polygonal restriction applied at the Session level, then the Single Predefined Region restriction cannot be applied to an Open Data Task.

First, select a Data Store to be opened, then define the following parameters:

  • Where - a column name that corresponds to an attribute

  • Equals - a value for the attribute

  • Buffer - optionally define a buffer extent

     Note: You can optionally include a session parameter in the equals field. Any session parameter must be preceded by $, e.g: $SessionParameter.

WKT Polygon

Define a polygon extent as a Well Known Text (WKT) geometry.


POLYGON ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))


This must be in the same spatial reference system as the data.

ClosedNon-Spatial Filter

Using non-spatial expressions you can filter the data from a number of default options or manually written expressions, reducing the amount of data being processed. See Non-Spatial Filtering for more information.