Release Notes

Version 1.11.0




Rules v1.28.0

  • Baselining of the rules base to 1Integrate 4.3

  • Various logic enhancements for plans that previously were unsuccessful


Rules v1.29.0

  • Specific work to improve logic around client-provided buried point asset data (electrical distribution network link boxes) used to forward-plan capital works programme

  • Various logic enhancements for plans that previously were unsuccessful


New Custom Signs feature:

  • Create new Custom Sign

  • Browse Custom Signs

  • Delete a Custom Sign

  • Custom Sign editor

  • Add a Custom Sign to a plan

  • Add a Custom Sign to a Diversion

  • Add a reference to a Custom Sign


New features available in Diversion:

  • 'Pedestrian Left [7018]'

  • 'Pedestrian Right [7018]'

  • Add 'Portable VMS'


Repositioning of scale bar and north arrow on map widgets


Approach signage templates enhancements


Highlight selected feature


Count of A-frames included on Diversion Inventories


Planned works start and end dates and times and active working hours are now optional with 'Not specified' shown for all optional fields that haven't been given values


Reorder plan fields in Details, Plan cards, Plan Information widget

Bug Fixes



The plan used for this test case fails with a 1Integrate processing/task error.

Version 1.10.1




Rules v1.27.0

  • Logic enhancements based on testing that has used a point asset data set from a client.

Bug Fixes


Version 1.10.0




Rules v1.26.0

  • For Traffic Signals within the front of the safety zone, the Wait Here sign is now placed at 15m if there is good line of sight to the Wait Here sign

  • Wait Here signage for Guide Islands/Stop Go Boards has been updated to better place them 1.5m in front of the Guide Island/Stop Go Board

  • Stop Go Boards are no longer placed within the Safety Zone, but are instead placed at 15m in front of the Safety Zone

  • Road Works Ahead signage is now placed at a maximum of 45m and loops back towards the works when the traffic control that has been assigned is Traffic Signals or Stop Go and the speed by the works is 30mph

  • The ability to process General Surface features, i.e. if the works area is within 5m of the highway and has been digitized on an OS General Surface feature then it will be processed the same as an OS roadside feature


Transparency on the safety zone polygon so that underlying carriageway/footway features can be seen


The ability to save a layout as template


The ability to select a template that was previously saved


New Templates Tab for PDFs

  • Rename a template

  • Delete a template


Warn user if the contents of a placed widget ‘overflow’ the default/current widget’s extents


Improved consistency in wording of messages


New signs available for placement when editing a plan:

  • Traffic Signals Not In Use

  • Traffic Signals Cover (listed under Asset, rather than Sign)

  • Bus Stop Suspended

  • Temporary Bus Stop

  • Speed limit roundel signs

  • Slippery Road Ahead

  • Loose Chippings On Road Ahead

  • Other Danger Ahead

  • Flood


SWA Organisations list updated


OS data updated:

  • Speed limits

  • OS Highways with RAMO - Roads and Streets

Bug Fixes


Version 1.9.1



Bug Fixes



Error saving layout after upgrade to 1.9 when notes contains underlined text.


Unable to name PDF Templates or rename PDF Layouts with certain letters.

Version 1.9.0




Rules v1.25.0

  • Refresh of Ordnance Survey data used in plan generation

  • Works areas near to dead ends/in Cul-de-sacs have received an update

  • A number of enhancements from customer trials which result from observing plans that failed and which now generate plans successfully

  • Improvements to overall success rate of auto-drafting plans based on bulk testing and subsequent analysis and prioritisation of fixes and enhancements based on results


New PDF builder to allow customisation of layouts from which to output PDFs


New road features which can be added in an editing session for an accepted plan:

  • Zebra crossing

Bug Fixes


Version 1.8.0




Rules v1.24.0 & Rules v1.24.1

  • Support for traffic islands

  • Extended support for “General surface” feature types that are classified as “Land” theme.

  • A number of enhancements based on client trials


Initial set of linear, area, and symbol road markings


Filter and display of Street Manager permits data


Symbolise Street Manager permits by work category


Use of attribute names rather than icons in selected-feature popups


Increase number of plans listed in plan viewer pagination to 25

Bug Fixes


Version 1.7.0




Feature popups


No parking cones


1 x works area validation


New speed limits


Search for USRN


Rules v1.23.0 & Rules v1.23.1

Bug Fixes


Version 1.6.0




Rules v1.20.1


Rules v1.21.0


OSM data on PDF.


Design changes to PDF editor, map view options, feature panels.


New ‘Roads’ stylesheet.


New advisories for tramways and railways.



This release is to provision Rules v1.21.1. There are no application/functionality changes.



This release is to provision Rules v1.22.0. There are no application/functionality changes.

Bug Fixes


Version 1.5.0




Cone spacing is now a maximum of 1.2m along the tapers


Update pdf generator to Spring 3.1 and Java 17


Changes made to Create Plan wizard


Changes made to wording on some panels


Added sign TSRG number to signs in “Add sign” list


Added 7011.2 "Pedestrian Crossing..." sign


Updated to Spring 3


Added TM template for Safety Zone


If zoomed out from current open plan, user can now click the icon and zoom back in to full plan


Removed spatial constraints from plan


App now persists choices for selected layers as we do for basemaps


For data layers, user can now select icon on map and the pop up includes the W3W location address


Dimension line and length in metres are now shown for each segment between start and end when creating a cone run


Added approach signage TM template for works with temporary traffic lights


Implemented advisory notices


The rules logic now simplifies the extension of the working space when the working space is contained with in the footway.

Bug Fixes


Version 1.4.0




Added new TM templates:

  • Guide islands

  • Controlled pedestrian crossing

  • Road closed access only


Added new signs

  • Ramp

  • Ramp ahead


OpenStreetMap data layers


Added W3W link in ‘Jump to location’


Password complexity enforcement


Failed password lockout/timeout enforcement


Rotation tool updates bearings


User message panel redesigned for auto-draft failures


Various UI redesigns and UI/UX improvements


Incorporation of Rules releases v1.18.0 and v1.19.0

  • Changes to the creation of bridge features

  • Works areas that are partially contained on highway

  • Works areas that cover multiple curbs

  • Changes to Stop/Go and Traffic Signals Assignment

  • Road Closure in Junction

  • Works areas on natural roadside

  • Numerous fixes and improvements resulting from automated bulk testing (Test Suite 1 now at 75% success rate for test area: low speed, single-carriageway)

Bug Fixes


Version 1.3.0




Working space changed to allow length and width in metres to cater for equipment


6 diversion signs added to 'Add new feature' for Diversions


Aerial imagery added to switcher in PDF map pages editing


Improved wording for Other section of Create Plan wizard so that clearer questions are asked that will determine how pedestrians are diverted around a footway closure


Changed wording of question in Works section of Create Plan wizard to “How much working space do you need for vehicles and equipment on the road?”


Updated geoplace SWA code list


Added compliant attribution to PDF for OS and BingMaps, as appropriate


Updated speed limits data


Added automated diversion routes with suggested signage


Added road closure for diversions


Reduced palette of colours for routes to 8 colours (with significant enough contrast to "closure red")


UI changes to support automated diversion routing


Jump to location box now opens on OSGB and not W3W


Re-ordered plan tabs for an open plan

Bug Fixes


Version 1.2.0




Annotations can now be added to PDF map pages:

  • Text

  • Dimension lines (measurements)

  • Leader lines whereby signs can be moved to aid visual clarity of plans, replacing the sign with a standard icon (that still shows direction the sign is facing), a leader line, and a choice of size for the moved sign.


A basemap switcher which allows the user to select different styling for the underlying Ordnance Survey data, or Microsoft Bing Maps Imagery as a basemap


Ability to automatically generate plans for the majority of:

  • Grass verges where TM plans would be required (i.e. where they impact footways and roadways)

  • mini-roundabouts

  • level crossings

  • Improvements to handling short and unique road centrelines and, specifically, "RCL too short" error.

Bug Fixes


Version 1.1




Ability to automatically generate plans for the majority of:

  • Single-carriageway roads up to national speed limit (60 mph)

  • 1-way streets

  • 4-way traffic control

  • Temporary footway obstructions

  • Footway closures

  • Use of All Red Period

  • T-junctions

  • Road closures


Functional capabilities now include:

  • Editing of accepted plans

  • Editing of plans when a plan could not be automatically generated

  • Integration of What3Words

  • Ability to draw and output traffic diversions

Bug Fixes


Version 1.0.2



Bug Fixes



Test Case 26 - Missing Road Works Narrows Ahead


Test Case 36 - Working Space Pedestrian Barriers in wrong place


Test Case 81 - Multiple layout assigned different traffic control


Test Case 82 - Wrong Traffic Control and Missing Signage


Missing signage - no missing signage error


Test Case 70 - Stop/Go - Task Error


Test Case 52 - No Layout - Unique Road Layout


Test Case 47 - Task Error and Missing Signage


Test Case 10 - Task Error


Test Case 14 - Missing traffic lights ahead sign


Task Error - No Such Object


Task Error - No Geom Present/Line_bearing _at_point


Duplicate WAIT_STOP signs


Bearings in correct for second run


Bearings missing on traffic control sign


Pedestrian Barriers not on edge of working space


Front End Test - Unique Road Layout


Front End Test - Unique Road Layout


Required property 'Bearing' not found


Missing Signage


Front End Test - Task Error


Line of sight not correct

TMPA-1910 - task error


Test Case 10 - Commit Error


Road Closure - Safety Zone not deleted


Road Closure - Safety Zone not deleted


Road Closure - Session Task Error


Road Closure - Session Task Error

Version 1.0




Finding and displaying previously generated and accepted traffic management plans


Generating traffic management plans for low-speed, single-carriageway roads, specifically the “red book” layouts listed in the tables in 2.2. that are green font colour


Generating PDFs of accepted traffic management plans


Providing the capability to add and remove and edit a list of organisations created from the SWA Code List


Providing platform and tenant administrators with tenant and user administration capabilities


Providing platform and tenant administrators with a dashboard of plans that have been generated and accepted

Bug Fixes