
The 1Integrate documentation offers information about the installation, configuration, administration, and use of 1Integrate.

     Note: If you currently have 1Integrate version 3.4 or earlier and want to see the benefits of upgrading to version 4 and newer, or how to upgrade, please see the Migration Guide.

Data Stores to Sessions covers the core capabilities for users, while the remaining topics cover other elements of 1Integrate.

Training in the use of 1Integrate is available. For more information please contact 1Spatial support.

Data Stores

Data Stores refer to an external source of data that can be read from or written to. These can be files that are uploaded and downloaded or services or databases that are connected to remotely.


Schemas are the definitions of the structure of data accessed via a Data Store. The source schema describes the data being accessed. The target schema is the structure used in the 1Integrate session, which is often the same as the source schema, but could be mapped to a different structure.

Writing Rules and Actions

Rules and Actions are semantically constructed tasks that are run on data. Rules are defined validation checks and Actions are defined processes that change or report on the data.


Built-ins are used within Rules and Actions and are either functions that perform a specific calculation, or operations that perform a specific task.


Sessions are used to control all data processing tasks. These can be configured to step through a process, allowing manual results checking at predefined points in the process.

Additional Capabilities

Additional Capabilities contains abstract geospatial concepts that 1Integrate has the capability to work on rather than specific features.


The Dashboard covers the options and processes that administrator users have for using 1Integrate.


The API section holds information on the REST API integration. Which allows 1Integrate functionality to be shared or utilised with other products or programs.

Performance Tips

Performance Tips give advice on getting the best performance when running sessions.

Installation and Configuration

Installation and Configuration has all the necessary information on setting up or upgrading 1Integrate.


Resources contains reference materials and PDFs of specific topics or processes.