
Schemas define how a Data Store is structured, specifically, how their data is read/interpreted. A Data Store's classes and attributes should be defined, allowing them to be mapped, transformed, and used in Rule and Action writing.

Schema Mapping

Using a central naming convention to match the source and target classes of two or more Data Stores is referred to as mapping.

Schema Mapping is performed in the Read and Commit and Copy To tabs of a Data Store.

By default, 1Integrate will attempt to create a mapping for a Data Store when it has been saved. This mapping can then be manually edited or removed if necessary.

Schema Mapping is a simple process that uses name changing and cannot handle differences in data types. More complex schemas require Schema Transformation.

Schema Transformation

Not all Schemas will be translatable to others by default. Schema Transformation is a Session task that takes the schema and creates new objects in the target classes, allowing for better mapping with other Data Stores.

Transformation alone may not be enough; some conversions may require Actions to be run first to get the data/attributes into a format that works for the transformation.

Fixed Schema

Choosing a Fixed Schema Type on your Data Store allows the Schema to be defined by one of the following options:

Lookup Schema
An adaptable Schema that can be used to give aliases to static values.

A class-based hierarchy defined in an OWL file.

Reference Data Store
Choose another Data Store to use as a reference to create this Schema.

Schema Transformation
Reads Read and Commit classes and creates new objects in the Copy To classes.

Context Classes

Context allows Rules and Actions to be authored using the Schema from one or more Data Stores.

Rules and Actions require the context to be set, in order to use Context Classes from those Schemas as part of the Rule and Action writing.

Standard Classes

Standard Classes allow Rules and Actions to be run against a generic type of class in your dataset.

This represents all objects, in all classes that have been defined in Data Stores.

All Geometric
Any objects from classes with at least one geometry attribute.

All Non-Geometric
Any objects from classes that have no geometry attribute.

     Note: A feature with a null geometry still counts as being in the All Geometric class.

System Classes

System classes are specialised classes that are available in 1Integrate.

Connecting Network Graphs
This is only populated when calling network connectivity check Built-in operations using Network Graphs.

Topology Primitives (Edge, Face, Node)
These are only populated when a build topology task is run on a Session.

Singleton Class
A class which contains just one object and is useful to run Rules or Actions only once per Session.