Schema Transformation
Schema Transformation is a Session Task that takes Read and Commit source classes and attributes, and creates new objects for the target classes and attributes. This means the Session contains both the source and the target objects at the same time.
Schema Transformation is designed for Schema changes that are more advanced than renaming. Renaming Schema can be done with standard Schema Mapping.
Note: Some conversions, such as using logic to analyse a value and split it across two attributes, will not be possible using Schema Transformation. For this, consider running Actions before or after the Schema Transformation task to operate on the data, using custom attributes added to the source or target Data Stores to temporarily hold these values, see Temporary Values.
The Schema Transformation Task requires the following:
A Source Data Store to read the objects from. This must be open in the Session.
A Mapping Data Store containing the transformation definition. See Configuring a Mapping Data Store.
A Target Data Store to write objects to. This must be open in the Session.
Note: An Open Schema Task is commonly used to open the Schema for the Target Data Store, without loading the data.
Note: The class names from the Source Data Store must be different to the class names in the Target Data Store. If any class names are the same then change the name of the classes in Read and Commit and use the changed name in the contents of the Mapping Data Store.
Configuring a Mapping Data Store
A Mapping Data Store can be configured using any Data Store format readable by 1Integrate, but are normally stored in a CSV
file or a database table.
Mapping Data Stores require a strict structure of up to three tables with specific attributes, which are listed below. These names can be set to the correct values in the Read and Commit mapping.
Selecting the Schema Transform Schema fixed schema type is designed to help this configuration process when defining Data Store.
This is the main definition of how to create objects in target classes by copying feature attributes from the source classes.
Use this table, in addition to the Class Attribute Mapping, to convert specific attribute values in source codelists to attribute values in the target codelists. Codelist Mappings, are intended to be complete and can "replace" the definition in the Class Attribute mappings rather than override specific values.
In addition to the above, use Derived Attribute Mapping to set values on target classes optionally depending on the source. For example, to set a type attribute based on the source class or to set an attribute to a constant regardless of the source. The Derived Attribute Mapping values are for specific targeted overrides that layer on top of class attribute mapping, as opposed to a replacement for them.
Note: CodeListMapping and DerivedAttributeMapping must use Source/Target class pairings present in ClassAttributeMapping.
Mapping Data Store requirements
Note: Any named class must match the exact spelling and case of the classes in the Read and Commit Mappings of the respective Data Stores.
Class Name |
Attribute |
Type |
Optional/Required |
Description |
ClassAttributeMapping (Mandatory) |
SourceClass |
String |
Required |
SourceAttribute |
String |
Required |
TargetClass |
String |
Optional |
May be null/empty to indicate value is being discarded. |
TargetAttribute |
String |
Optional |
May be null/empty to indicate value is being discarded. |
CodeListMapping (Optional) |
SourceClass |
String |
Optional |
May be null (match value from any class) |
SourceAttribute |
String |
Required |
SourceValue |
Any |
Required |
TargetAttribute |
String |
Required |
TargetValue |
Any |
Required |
DerivedAttributeMapping (Optional) |
SourceClass |
String |
Optional |
May be null (with SourceAttribute and SourceValue also null) to indicate to just set the target value. |
SourceAttribute |
String |
Optional |
May be null (with SourceClass not null) to indicate to just set the target value on objects created from SourceClass. |
SourceValue |
Any |
Optional |
May be null (with SourceClass not null) to indicate to just set the target value on objects created from SourceClass. |
TargetClass |
String |
Required |
TargetAttribute |
String |
Required |
TargetValue |
Any |
Required |
Type Casting
Source Type |
Can Automatically convert to |
Any type (not including geometry) |
String |
Geometry |
Geometry |
Datetime, Integer64, String |
Datetime |
Boolean, Integer, Integer64, Double, String |
Boolean (0=false) or (case insensitive "true"=true) |
Integer, Boolean (0/1) Double, Integer64, String |
Integer |
Integer64, Datetime, Boolean, Integer, Double, String |
Integer64 |
Double, Boolean, Integer, Integer64, String |
Double |
Using Schema Transformation in a Session
Schema Transformation Tasks are carried out as part of a Session.
Open a Session and select an Open Data task for both the Source and Target for the transformation.
Note: You can also use the Open Schema task in place of Open Data to open the target Data Store. This is useful to ensure that no target objects are accidentally loaded in the Session.
Add a Transform Schema task to add it to your Session.
In the pop-up, select the three Data Stores you will be using for the transformation.
You will need to select a Source, Target and Mapping Data Store.
The New Transform Schema pop-up -
(Optional) Add a Non-Spatial Filter to the Mapping Data Store.
(Optional) Check the Allow missing source classes option to allow the task to ignore missing source classes.
(Optional) In the Session, add Check Rules tasks for the transformed data. Typically you will also add a Copy-To or Commit task for the Target Data Store, in order to write the transformed data out.
Run the Session and your transformation will be applied.
Transform Schema in a Session