Commit Task

     Note: Not all Data Stores support the Commit task, see Supported Data Stores.

A Commit task is used to write back data to a Data Store that has already been opened using an Open Data Task.

There must be an Open Data task in the session before you add a Commit task.

     Note: If you update the data store used in your Open Data task, it will automatically update your Commit task.

Commit writes back data using the Read and Commit mapping defined in the Data Store. Only a subset of changed data is written back to the data store.

     Note: If you want to write data back to a different data store then you will need to use a Copy To Task.

ClosedPrimary Keys

In order for 1Integrate to find and update records in a database, a primary key restraint must be present. Please refer to the relevant database documentation.

ClosedAdd a Commit task to a Session

  1. Navigate to the Sessions workspace.

  2. From the Navigation Pane, select a Session to edit.

  3. Add a new Commit task, or select to edit an existing one.

  4. If configuring a new task, select the Data Store to commit to.

  5. If you want all classes to be used, leave All Classes checked.

    If not, un-check the box and select from the list of classes that appears.

  6. Click Save.

Commit Task Results

Once a Session is running, completed Commit tasks can provide a report in the Task Results, detailing the number of objects committed and the number of errors, in summary and for each class.