Extended Spatial and Scalar Check – 100m

With a quick update to our previous rule, we can extend our range to search for a road within 100m.

To change the distance, we simply open our rule and adjust the value.

The Rule same Rule as before but with the 50m increased to 100m.
The Rule showing a 33.33% conformance rate after running in a Session.

Now, our rule returns false for 4 of our 6 fire stations.

The map showing 4 failing nodes in red and 2 passing in green.

One Fire Station that returned “false” for our previous rule now returns “true” because the roads now fall within the extended range.

A Fire Station that previously failed but now passes with the 100m range illustrating that it is now in range.

This is an improvement on before, but some Fire Station points are still failing our rule logic just because the roads are still slightly out of range.

A Fire Station that still fails, with the 100m range illustrating that it is still slightly out of range.

Can we tweak this rule further?

Look at some rules

Basic Spatial Check map image
Basic Spatial Check

Basic Spatial and Scalar Check map image
Basic Spatial And Scalar Check

Extended Check 50m map image
Extended Spatial and Scalar Check 50m
Extended Check 150m map image
Extended Spatial and Scalar Check 150m