Extended Spatial and Scalar Check – 50m

Next, we could develop our rule logic to look at nearby roads and check that our Fire Station is located near the correct Road.

This requires two logical checks: first that our Fire Station is within a certain distance of a Road...

An Illustration showing what a point, spatial check, and a line represent.

...and second that the road name matches the location of our Fire Station!

An illustration showing what a location, scalar check, and ST_NAME look like.

Adding these logical clauses to our rule looks as follows:

The previous rule has been expanded with a second clause that checks that the Fire Station geometry is within 50m of road geometry and that the Fires Station Location matches the Road's street name.

The rule now checks that within 50m of our Fire Station point there is a Road with a “street name” attribute that matches our Fire Station’s “location” attribute. Objects must pass both checks for the rule to return true.

The Rule showing a 16.66% conformance rate after running in a Session.

This time our rule returns false for 5 of our 6 fire stations.

The map showing 5 failing nodes in red and one passing in green.

Inspecting our Fire Stations, we can see that the nearest road is often not the one named in the station’s location.

A Fire Station location that doesn't match the nearest road.

Other Fire Stations pass our new condition, but still fail the earlier logic concerning the Building polygon.

A Fire Station with the correct location but not in the correct building geometry.

In another case, a Fire Station fails both our previous condition and our new one. Additionally we can see the naming conventions in the attribution doesn’t exactly match (“MKT” vs “MARKET”).

A Fire Station that fails to be in the correct geometry and has the location of a road that is further away.

One Fire Station appears to be close to the correct road(s), so perhaps our range of 50m was just too short.

A Fire Station that is close to correct but outside of the 50m that were set.

Would it be helpful to amend the value in our rule and see what difference it would make?

Look at some rules

Basic Spatial Check map image
Basic Spatial Check

Basic Spatial and Scalar Check map image
Basic Spatial And Scalar Check

Extended Check 100m map image
Extended Spatial and Scalar Check 100m
Extended Check 50m map image
Extended Spatial and Scalar Check 150m