
Creating a Plan

  1. Open the Plans tab via the View Plans tab on the side bar.

  2. Click Create Plan on the Plans panel.

  3. Plans filter
  4. Choose either Auto-draft or Create manually and click Continue. If you chose Create Manually skip ahead to the Editing a Plan section.
  5. If your map isn't at the correct location or zoomed in close enough, navigate there/zoom in using The Map until the extents box appears and covers the area that the plan is intended for.

    Create Plan extents box
    The Create Plan panel is collapsed in the above screenshot
  6. Complete the form in the Create Plan panel, only the Name and Promoter are required, the other fields are optional. If any details need changing later, this can be done by Editing Plans. Once everything is filled in, select Create.

    Create Plan Panel
  7. This brings you to the 4-step Auto-draft process.



    1 - Works Area

    The initial building block of a plan is the Works Area, as represented in the “Red Book” - Safety at Street Works and Road Works - A Code of Practice - October 2013

    This may or may not be an excavation. At least one works area must be created per plan.

    2 - Works

    Further details about the works themselves.

    3 - Vehicles

    Information about the vehicle counts on the carriageway and bus and cycle questions.

    4 - Pedestrians

    This final step asks about pedestrian count and questions regarding whether a pedestrian diversion will be necessary.

  8. Start by creating the Works Area(s) on the map by clicking the Add Works Area button and marking out the relevant area(s).

  9. Drawing a Works Area
  10. Make any adjustments using the tools to rotate, scale, and move the Works Area(s) and click Next when finished.

  11. Answer the questions in steps 2-4 and Save the configuration.

  12. Click Generate Auto-draft to begin generating the plan.

  13. Once the generation is complete you will see features generated by the Auto-draft process on the map.

    A completed Auto-draft
  14. If you are happy with the Auto-draft, click Accept and then confirm after checking the box to agree to the terms and cost of the plan. This allows PDFs to be generated or further changes to be added/made by Editing Plans.

    Accept auto-draft dialog

    Once accepted, the status changes to Auto-draft complete and you can review the plan details in the panel's Details, Plan, Signals, Road, Diversions, Signs, PDF, History, Information and Advisories tabs.

Editing a Plan

  1. Open a plan on the View Plan tab by clicking a plan summary from the Plans panel or selecting it on the map.

  2. Accepted plans can be adjusted by editing them from the Plan section of the Plan Design tab.

    Edit Plan panel
  3. Click the Edit button and the confirmation dialog appears.

         Note: By confirming to edit the plan, you agree to 1Streetworks being unable to undertake any subsequent automated compliance checks for any edits you make.

  4. New features added with the Add Feature button and existing features selected on the map can have their properties edited in the feature palette.

  5. Once you're happy with any edits that were made, click Save Changes and add a comment to describe what was changed.

Generating PDFs

PDFs can be generated and customised in the PDF section of an accepted Plan.


Layout allows you to customise PDF layouts, adding pages to the PDF with Widgets that contain information from the Plan.

Click the Add button to create a new Layout. Layouts can select a template, which includes Default and Blank options, as well as any Templates that have been saved within your organisation.

Hovering over a Layout gives the option to edit the Layout by clicking the Edit icon , which opens the Layout for PDF Customisation.

Clicking the Options icon will give options for generating PDFs and Draft PDFs with the selected Layout, saving the Layout as a Template, and renaming and deleting the selected Layout.

Generated PDFs can be downloaded with the Download button . PDFs cannot be deleted but can be filtered using the Filter button .

An example of a generated PDF page.