You are here: Key Features > Backup and Restore

Backup and Restore

The following items can be downloaded (backup) or uploaded (restore) from the Navigation Pane:

  • Data stores
  • Discovery specifications
  • Rules
  • Rule templates
  • Actions
  • Action maps
  • Sessions
  • Folders

Downloading Items (Backup)

Sessions are downloaded with all the items needed for the run to complete, such as any rules, actions, or discovery specifications referenced in the session.

Rules and actions are downloaded with all referenced templates.

Action maps are downloaded with referenced rules and actions.

Folders are downloaded with the folder structure and all items within the folders.

Download (backup) an item

  1. Within the Navigation Pane, select the item to download.

    Note: Multiple items can be downloaded to the same XML file by holding the Ctrl key and selecting items in the Navigation Pane. If you select a folder, all items within the folder will be downloaded and the folder structure will be retained.

  2. Select ToolsDownload.

  3. Click Save (or click Save As and choose the download location).

    Your 1Integrate item is downloaded for future use.

Uploading Items (Restore)

Uploaded items are placed in a folder labelled with your user name, date, and time stamp.

When uploading an XML file, the system also uploads:

  • All referenced items in a session, such as rules, actions or discovery specifications
  • Any referenced templates within rules and actions
  • Any referenced rules and actions within action maps
  • All items within folders as well as the original folder structure
  • Any associated data stores for a session

Upload (restore) an item

  1. Within the Navigation Pane, select Tools > Upload.

  2. Click Browse, navigate to the file you want to upload, and click Open.

  3. Click Submit.

    Each item uploaded is displayed and reasons for any items that were not loaded.

  4. Click Close.

    The uploaded item is available in a new folder in the navigation pane.