Output Connection
Note: The Data Engineer role is required in order to configure Output Details (see Roles).
The output details connection is used when copying data to a new set of tables or
classes in the external data source.
The Copy Input Details button can be used to copy existing details from the Input Details tab.
When data has been written to a data store type other than Oracle or SQL, the results will be available to download
by clicking Download for the Destination Files.
When data is read from Oracle and written to FME, if no FME coordinate system is
defined, the FME data store will attempt to find one corresponding to the EPSG code. You
can specify the CRS to be used in the FME Coordinate Reference System field in the
Output Details of any FME data store. It should be set to the short name of an FME
coordinate system such as BritishNatGrid. In most cases, it should not be necessary
to specify the coordinate system.
Once the Output Details have been entered, Schema Mapping must be performed (see Output Mapping).
Enter Output Connection Details
Navigate to the Data Stores page.
From the Navigation Pane, select the data store to be configured.
Open the Output Details tab.
Select the required Data Store Type from the drop-down menu.
Note: Different parameters will appear depending on which Data Store Type is selected.
- Enter the details for your selected Data Store Type.
- Click Save.
- Click Test Connection to verify the data can be accessed.
Output Details Parameters
When setting up an Output Connection, the Data Store Type you select will determine which parameters appear.
The following tables detail the parameters required for each available Data Store Type.
MapInfo TAB (MFAL)
Destination Files (.tab) |
Results are available to download
by clicking Download.
Coordinate Reference System |
Required if the data store will be used in a session that will write data to Oracle.
This value is the Spatial Reference
Identifier (SRID) in the form SRID=[NNNN], where [NNNN] is the Oracle SRID.
Note: When
data is read from FME and written to Oracle, if no Oracle-specific SRID is defined,
the Oracle data store will attempt to find one corresponding to the EPSG code. EPSG
codes are a standard way to describe geospatial coordinate system and are maintained
by the European Petroleum Survey Group.
Export FME Log File |
Click if you want to export log information from FME. |
Encoding |
Bounds |
Filename prefix |
Write region centroids |
Username |
Schema containing the required data.
Password |
Password for the selected Username.
Net Service Name |
The identifier with which Oracle or JBoss identifies this database.
Host |
The name of the machine in which the metadata store is created.
Port |
The port number of the host.
Service Name |
The Oracle system ID (SID).
JNDI Location |
Schema Name |
Scale for Coordinate Data |
Comma Separated Value (CSV)
Destination Files (.csv, .gz, .txt) |
Results are available to download
by clicking Download.
Coordinate Reference System |
Required if the data store will be used in a session that will write data to Oracle.
This value is the Spatial Reference
Identifier (SRID) in the form SRID=[NNNN], where [NNNN] is the Oracle SRID.
Note: When
data is read from FME and written to Oracle, if no Oracle-specific SRID is defined,
the Oracle data store will attempt to find one corresponding to the EPSG code. EPSG
codes are a standard way to describe geospatial coordinate system and are maintained
by the European Petroleum Survey Group.
Export FME Log File |
Click if you want to export log information from FME. |
Field separator |
Encoding (e.g. UTF-8) |
File extension |
Quote output |
End of line (Macintosh | Windows | Unix | System) |
Esri Shape
Destination Files (.shp) |
Results are available to download
by clicking Download.
Coordinate Reference System |
Required if the data store will be used in a session that will write data to Oracle.
This value is the Spatial Reference
Identifier (SRID) in the form SRID=[NNNN], where [NNNN] is the Oracle SRID.
Note: When
data is read from FME and written to Oracle, if no Oracle-specific SRID is defined,
the Oracle data store will attempt to find one corresponding to the EPSG code. EPSG
codes are a standard way to describe geospatial coordinate system and are maintained
by the European Petroleum Survey Group.
Export FME Log File |
Click if you want to export log information from FME. |
Convert attribute names to upper case |
Treat measures as elevation |
Encoding |
Strict compatibility |
Surface and solid storage |
Bentley MicroStation Design (V8)
Destination Files (.pos, .fc1, .dgn) |
Results are available to download
by clicking Download.
Coordinate Reference System |
Required if the data store will be used in a session that will write data to Oracle.
This value is the Spatial Reference
Identifier (SRID) in the form SRID=[NNNN], where [NNNN] is the Oracle SRID.
Note: When
data is read from FME and written to Oracle, if no Oracle-specific SRID is defined,
the Oracle data store will attempt to find one corresponding to the EPSG code. EPSG
codes are a standard way to describe geospatial coordinate system and are maintained
by the European Petroleum Survey Group.
Export FME Log File |
Click if you want to export log information from FME. |
Seed file |
Allow fill |
Create line elements |
Write tags |
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial
Destination Database |
The location of the data store.
Coordinate Reference System |
Required if the data store will be used in a session that will write data to Oracle.
This value is the Spatial Reference
Identifier (SRID) in the form SRID=[NNNN], where [NNNN] is the Oracle SRID.
Note: When
data is read from FME and written to Oracle, if no Oracle-specific SRID is defined,
the Oracle data store will attempt to find one corresponding to the EPSG code. EPSG
codes are a standard way to describe geospatial coordinate system and are maintained
by the European Petroleum Survey Group.
Export FME Log File |
Click if you want to export log information from FME. |
Command timeout |
Export host name |
Export username |
Export password |
Input spatial type is geography (default: geometry) |
Spatial column name |
Orient polygons |