Built-in Functions
The following Built-in functions can be used within 1Integrate.
Function | Description |
angle |
Returns an acute angle in either degrees or radians. A negative value is returned for errors. Angles are calculated between two line segments, which do not need to converge or touch.
area | Returns the area of a geometry in dataset units. |
boundary |
Returns the boundary of a line or area. The boundary of a line is a complex point geometry containing the line end points. The boundary of an area is a geometry containing all the rings in the area. This will be a simple line if the area has only an outer ring, otherwise it will be a complex line. For point geometries, a Null value is returned. This function supports 3D and 2D geometries.
buffer | Returns an area geometry representing a buffer zone of a fixed distance from the boundary of a geometry. |
convex_hull | Returns the smallest convex area geometry that contains the input geometry. |
count_inner_rings |
Counts the clockwise digitised rings of a simple or complex geometry and returns an integer. For a simple area this is the number of inner rings. For a complex geometry this is the sum of inner ring counts for all the simple area components. For a point or line geometry this is 0. If the object passed was not a geometry this is null. |
count_vertices |
Returns the total number of vertices in a simple or complex geometry. The number of points in a ring does not include a duplicate point that closes the ring. For an area geometry, the sum of the vertex counts for each of its rings will be returned. For a complex geometry, the sum of the vertex counts over each of its components will be returned. For anything other than a geometry an exception will be thrown. |
count_parts |
Returns the number of parts in a geometry. 0 = a clear geometry 1 = simple geometry >1 = complex geometry Null = anything other than a geometry |
difference |
Returns the difference between two geometries; all the parts of the first geometry that are not in the second geometry. |
distance |
Returns the distance in dataset units at the closest point of approach of two geometries. |
douglas_peucker |
Returns a simplified version of a geometry formed by applying the Douglas-Peucker smoothing algorithm to each piece of line-work in the geometry. The result will be a geometry which approximates the original geometry using fewer vertices. The line-work of the resulting geometry will lie entirely within the specified tolerance of the original geometry's line-work. |
drag_vertex |
Returns a geometry formed by moving a specified vertex on a simple line geometry to a new location. It uses a scale and rotate algorithm to try to preserve the shape of the geometry on either side of the vertex being moved. |
end_of | Returns a point geometry at the location of the end of a simple line geometry. |
ends_of |
Returns the endpoints of a simple line geometry. If the line is closed, the result will be a simple point geometry. Otherwise the result will be a complex geometry containing two points. |
get_point |
Returns a point guaranteed to lie on the specified geometry. Note that the point is not necessarily near to the centre of the geometry, but is guaranteed to lie inside it. |
get_x |
Returns the x co-ordinate of a point on a simple or complex geometry. For a point geometry the return will be the x co-ordinate of that geometry. For other types of geometry the return will be the x co-ordinate of an arbitrary point on the input geometry. |
get_y |
Returns the y co-ordinate of a point on a simple or complex geometry. For a point geometry the return will be the y co-ordinate of that geometry. For other types of geometry the return will be the y co-ordinate of an arbitrary point on the input geometry. |
has_duplicates |
Tests to see if a geometry has any consecutive coincident vertices. Returns a Boolean value, true if the geometry has any consecutive coincident vertices and false if it does not. |
has_kickbacks |
Checks whether a geometry has any kickbacks (a type of geometric error where a line segment changes direction twice by approximately 180 degrees to repeat part of the line). Kickbacks are also known as snap-backs. |
has_small_rings |
Checks whether a geometry has any small rings (pig tails). |
has_spikes |
Checks whether a geometry has any spikes. |
height |
Returns the height of the nearest vertex for a 3-D point.
intersection | Returns the intersection of two or more geometries - the parts in common between all of them. |
is_boundary_left | Tests whether a point, line or area geometry is to the left of a line geometry with respect to the direction of the line geometry. |
is_boundary_right | Tests whether a point, line or area geometry is to the right of a line geometry with respect to the direction of the line geometry. |
is_closed | Tests whether a geometry is closed - true if the geometry is a simple area or if it is a simple line with coincident end points. |
is_downhill |
Tests whether a 3D line geometry is digitised in a downhill direction. Returns a Boolean value, true if the geometry is a 3D line that slopes downwards and false otherwise. Returns null if parameter 1 is not a 3D simple line geometry. An optional tolerance may be supplied to use when comparing the heights of vertices on the line. The line is considered to be downhill if each vertex is lower than all the preceding vertices, to within the specified tolerance.
is_level |
Tests whether a 3D line geometry has a constant height along its length. Returns a Boolean value, true if the geometry is a 3D line is level and false otherwise. Returns null if parameter 1 is not a 3D simple line geometry. An optional tolerance may be supplied for use when comparing the heights of vertices on the line. The line is considered to be level if the maximum height minus the minimum height along the line is less than or equal to the specified tolerance.
is_noded | Tests if two line geometries intersect at common vertices. |
is_simple |
Tests to see if a geometry is simple according to the OGC definition. Returns a Boolean value, true if the geometry is simple according to the OGC definition and false if it is not. |
is_structured |
Tests whether an object is topologically structured. Returns a Boolean value, true if the object is structured and false otherwise. |
is_uphill |
Returns true if a 3-D line slopes upwards, with an optional tolerance for comparing the heights of vertices on the line. The line is considered to be uphill if each vertex is higher than all the preceding vertices, to within tolerance.
is_valid |
Tests to see if a geometry is valid according to the OGC definition. Returns a Boolean value, true if the geometry is valid according to the OGC definition and false if it is not. |
line |
Returns a line geometry constructed from points supplied in parameters. Any 3D geometries will be converted to 2D.
line_length |
Returns the length of a geometry in dataset units. The length of a point or an area is 0. The length of a complex geometry is the sum of the lengths of its component simple line geometries. |
line_segment |
Returns a segment cut out of a simple line geometry, or null if the distance parameters are out of range. The start and end points of the segment are specified by distances along the line, measured from its start. With a 3D line geometry, distances are in plan; if the start or end of the segment is between two vertices with height values, the segment endvertex is given an interpolated height.
max_deflection_angle | Returns the maximum deflection angle between adjacent line segments in a geometry. |
max_height | Returns the maximum height of a 3-D geometry. |
mbr | Returns the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of one or more geometries. The result is the smallest rectangle, with sides parallel to the X and Y axes, that contains all the input geometries. |
min_height | Returns the minimum height of a 3-D geometry. |
min_intersection_angle |
Returns the minimum intersection angle between two geometries.
move_vertex |
Returns a geometry formed by moving a vertex on a simple line geometry. This function will only move one vertex on the geometry and so may leave a spike. For smoother results, consider the drag_vertex function. |
nearest_point |
Returns a geometry representing the nearest point(s) on a provided geometry from an originating point geometry. This will be complex if multiple points are equally close to the originating point. If neither parameter is a geometry an exception is thrown.
offset | Offsets (translates) a geometry by a fixed distance without changing its shape, size or orientation. |
outer_ring | Returns the outer ring of a simple area geometry. The result will be a closed simple line geometry. |
perimeter |
Returns the perimeter of an area geometry. If the geometry is a point or a line, the result will be 0. If the geometry is a complex geometry, the result will be the sum of the perimeters of each simple area geometry in the complex geometry. |
point_along_line |
Returns a point on a line geometry at a distance along it expressed as a proportion of the total length of the line.
point_on_line |
Finds a point on a line geometry, a given distance along it from its start or end point. Returns null if the distance parameter is out of range. With a 3D line, the height will be interpolated between vertices.
polygon |
Forms an area geometry from a simple closed line geometry, or a complex line geometry containing one or more rings. Returns null if the rings do not form a valid area geometry. |
proportion_along_line |
Finds the nearest position on a line to a given point, and calculates its distance along the line, expressed as a proportion of the total length of the line (a real number in the range between 0 and 1. ).
remove_duplicates |
Removes any duplicate vertices from a geometry. Any occurrence of consecutive, coincident vertices is replaced with a single vertex at the same location. |
remove_kickbacks | Removes any kickbacks from a geometry. |
remove_small_rings | Removes any small rings from a geometry. |
remove_spikes | Removes any spikes from a geometry. |
reverse_line |
Reverses the order of the vertices in a simple line geometry. Returns null if parameter is not a simple line geometry. |
segment |
Returns a segment from a line as two consecutive vertices. Note that 3-D geometries are projected to 2-D.
start_of | Returns a point geometry at the location of the start of a simple line geometry. |
union | Returns the union of two or more geometries. |
Function | Description |
to_degrees | Converts an angle specified in radians to degrees. |
to_integer |
Converts a numerical, boolean or string value to an integer. Any decimal digits present in the number after the decimal point are removed. The boolean values true and false are converted into 1 and 0 respectively. |
to_radians | Converts an angle specified in degrees to radians. |
to_real | Converts a numerical, boolean or string value to a real (floating point) number. |
to_string | Converts any value to a string. |
Function | Description |
abs |
Returns the absolute value of the input parameter. If the parameter is negative, it is returned with its sign reversed so that it becomes positive. Otherwise it is returned unchanged. |
acos | Returns the inverse cosine in radians (0.0 to pi). |
asin | Returns the inverse sine in radians. The result will be an angle in the range between -pi/2 and pi/2. |
atan | Returns the inverse tangent in radians. The result will be an angle in the range between –pi/2 and pi/2. |
atan2 |
Converts Cartesian x and y co-ordinates to polar co-ordinates and returns the polar angle, measured counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis. The result will be an angle in radians in the range between -pi and pi. |
ceil | Rounds a numerical value up to the nearest integer value greater than or equal to the input value. |
cos | Returns the cosine of an angle in radians (in the range [-1,1]). |
exp | Returns the inverse natural logarithm of a number. |
floor | Rounds a numerical value down to the nearest integer value less than or equal to the input value. |
is_infinite | Tests if a number is infinite in magnitude. |
is_NaN | Tests if a number has the special value "not a number". The special numerical value "not a number" results from certain mathematical operations such as dividing 0.0 by 0.0, which cannot be computed. |
log | Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a number. |
log10 | Returns the logarithm to base 10 of a number. |
pow | Returns the value of one number raised to the power of another number. |
round | Returns a number rounded to the nearest integer value. |
sin | Returns the sine of an angle in radians (in the range [-1,1]). |
sqrt | Returns the (positive) square root of a number. |
tan | Returns the tangent of an angle (specified in radians). |
Function | Description |
bit_and |
Returns the bitwise AND of two integers. Each bit in the binary expansion of the result will only be set if both of the corresponding bits in the two input numbers are also set. |
bit_not |
Returns the bitwise complement of an integer. Each bit in the binary expansion of the result will be the opposite of the corresponding bit in the input number. |
bit_or |
Returns the bitwise OR of two integers. Each bit in the binary expansion of the result will be set if either of the corresponding bits in the two input numbers is set. |
bit_shift | Returns an integer value computed by shifting the binary bits of the input value. |
bit_xor |
Returns the bitwise XOR of two integers. Each bit in the binary expansion of the result will be set if the corresponding bits in the two input numbers are different from one another. |
Function | Description |
index_of | Searches in a string for occurrences of another string and returns the index of the first match found (where the first character is at index 0). |
length | Returns the length of a string (number of characters). |
re_search |
Performs a regular expression search for a Java-style regular expression inside a string. If a match is found, the matching string (a substring of the first string) is returned. Otherwise null is returned. |
re_subs_all | Replaces all occurrences of patterns matching a Java-style regular expression in a string with the specified replacement string. |
re_subs_first | Replaces the first occurrence of a pattern matching a Java-style regular expression in a string with the specified replacement string. |
substring | Returns substring of the input string between the specified character indexes (where the first character is at index 0). |
to_uppercase | Converts a string to upper case (capital letters). |
to_lowercase | Converts a string to lower case. |
Function | Description |
count | Returns the number of elements in a collection. |
Function | Description |
add_date |
Adds a date and time in the TIMESTAMP date format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS.
Some data stores may not hold the same precision levels for time data as the TIMESTAMP. For example, if the TIMESTAMP value is exported to a data store with less accurate time, the TIMESTAMP value in will reflect that in the target data store. |
get_current_date |
Returns the current date and time in the TIMESTAMP date format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS. |